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Cyprus is going to turn very nasty
23 March 2013, 00:25,
Cyprus is going to turn very nasty
23 March 2013, 08:57,
RE: Cyprus is going to turn very nasty
I had not heard of this 'publication' before and the so called headline article was poor to say the least. The comments that followed it were written by seemingly illiterate juveniles so no going back there.
Yes the situation on the wee little holiday island is getting worse and could go international in a big bad way in the next few days so I would suggest that everyone keeps a weather eye on this. Nuff said.
23 March 2013, 10:00, (This post was last modified: 23 March 2013, 10:12 by Scythe13.)
RE: Cyprus is going to turn very nasty
I hate to be a know it all, but NOTHING is going to happen from the Russian Mafia.

The Russians have already withdrawn most of their money from Cyprus. Really don't get what the issue is here.

There's an old expression when it comes to the higher finance savvy circles, 'The smart-money moves before everyone else knows what to do.'

Put simply, as an example, if you are financially literate, love investing and do so wisely, then you would have sold your properties in 2006, noticing that the house prices couldn't keep rising, taken a fat profit, then rebought those same houses a few years later at 60%-80% the price you sold them for. Same for the dot-com boom, smart money jumped the bandwagon while everyone else was getting on it. Warren Buffet didn't even touch a single tech stock!

Remember, just because the price going up isn't a good enough reason to buy.
Dissent is the highest form of Patriotism - Thomas Jefferson
Those who sacrifice freedom for security deserve neither - Benjamin Franklin

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