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19th 20th 21st, meeting, how it went
21 July 2013, 15:19,
19th 20th 21st, meeting, how it went
The actual meeting was due to take place on Saturday the 20th, but people were very welcome to make it up on the Friday night.

...... by early evening Friday, everyone had already arrived except one who bravely struggle with a far greater distance than the rest of us,..and still managed to arrive before we went to bed, to give you some indication of how well everyone got on, we didn't get to bed until 2am, the conversations just kept on coming, everyone was that relaxed

Come Saturday morning the weather was extremely hot, but after breakfast we set off on what was the main agenda, with Herbalist Ken in charge.

We have a jungle garden and Ken had spotted a few plants on the Friday afternoon [before anyone else had arrived ],...that he wanted to talk about, so we started there, glad of the shade to be honest,... we then headed out onto the road, two of us with reflective jackets on, just to add to the neighbors puzzlement, one of which I had already spotted with the binoculars out

After the walk, we went back and sat around the table, the books and the notes we had taken came out, and we went over what we had seen, what the plants were, and how to use them in a medical, and in an edible way, it really is a very interesting subject, and something all preppers should make the effort to know about

It wasn't all medical Herbs or edible plants that we talked about though, there was a lot of skills within the group from medical to wood craft, and we talked well into the late evening, though not quiet as late as the Friday night

Sunday morning again saw us all in the conservatory talking about all sorts of subjects, with no sign of a lull at any point,... sadly it came time to take Ken back to Fort William to catch his bus, we left with him and when we got back home everyone had brought the dogs in and locked up for us,.. thank you

Bracken and I would really like to thank Ken for sharing his knowledge, we would also like to thank everyone for turning up, and putting up with the heat, it was a really great and varied weekend

A couple of photos, starting in the garden

[Image: _7200005_zps0384b0c3.jpg]

If you look very carefully, you will see Ken looking back at us from the deep shadow

[Image: _7200006_zps63de55f3.jpg]

Then out onto the road, Ken and I had already done the recce on Friday afternoon,.. it was now down to finding what we had seen, and doing it safely

[Image: _7200007_zps04917408.jpg]

Getting out of the sun was very welcome, ice cold drinks from the freezer were waiting for us

[Image: _7200008_zps599795d3.jpg]
A major part of survival is invisibility.
21 July 2013, 15:51,
RE: 19th 20th 21st, meeting, how it went
Well done chaps, glad it went so well.

21 July 2013, 17:01,
RE: 19th 20th 21st, meeting, how it went
Looks like you lot had a good one up there
Todays mighty oak is just yesterdays nut that held its ground
In the land of the blind the one eyed man is king
21 July 2013, 18:43,
RE: 19th 20th 21st, meeting, how it went
A great meet and learned a huge amount from Ken and from everyone's contributions. Hopes of many more to come? Many thanks to HL and Bracken for their hospitality. Smile

21 July 2013, 19:58,
RE: 19th 20th 21st, meeting, how it went
Well done Highlander and Bracken! its obvious all had a great time thank you for your post.
21 July 2013, 21:07,
RE: 19th 20th 21st, meeting, how it went
Sorry I couldn't make it folks. Looks like you had a really interesting and productive weekend.

All the best

Find a resilient place and way to live, then sit back and watch a momentous period in history unfold.
22 July 2013, 00:18,
RE: 19th 20th 21st, meeting, how it went
Glad it went well. I'm sorry I missed it.
Skean Dhude
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. - Charles Darwin
22 July 2013, 07:13,
RE: 19th 20th 21st, meeting, how it went
Also sorry i missed it guys, glad you had fun!
in some cases, those with the least to say, say the most.....
22 July 2013, 11:16,
RE: 19th 20th 21st, meeting, how it went
Sorry I missed it - it looked fun!
22 July 2013, 11:41,
RE: 19th 20th 21st, meeting, how it went
sounds like a good get together glad it went well

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