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Hi guys
18 August 2013, 18:48,
Hi guys
Jus wanted to say hi, and to ask a silly question to many, how much is enough ? Do you think anyone can ever be 'ready' ?
I feel that I am in a good place and 'prepared' for most things, I intend to bug in not out, I have a very good sized allotment 12m by 20m where I grow many vegetables and fruit, I have a small flock of chickens (8) so free eggs, I harvest my own seeds so in theory will always have seeds, I have a pantry which is well stocked, which always has at least two weeks of food stocked up, plus I have two large freezers full of food, a lot is vegetables from the allotment, I have a bug out location just in case, I have built a wood fired outside oven and have easy acces to a extensive amount of wood, am planning installing a wood burning stove, I used to teach back woods skills to scouts so have extensive equipment, snares, fishing gear, camping stuff stoves tents etc etc... Plus I have 2 break barrel air rifles and a bulk fill co2 air rifle which can be filled with a manual pump = endless supply of air, and I know how to use them, so I feel I am in a good position to be ready and to look after my family, but is it enough ?
Thanks for your reading and any replies
18 August 2013, 18:56,
RE: Hi guys
Hi and welcome from the Scottish Highlands

You can never have done enough, simply because the threats are forever changing.

You seem to be off to a good start, and many people will be envious of what you have,... but are you ready for a terrorist dirty bomb?, are you down wind from a chemical airborne leakage?,.. what happens if the`Mers` virus gets out of control?

Do you have a good medical supply that includes masks and gloves, bear in mind you cant get masks for your stock so may loose them

So many things,............ you cant prepare for everything,.. but at least expect anything
A major part of survival is invisibility.
18 August 2013, 19:06, (This post was last modified: 18 August 2013, 19:08 by Prepper1.)
RE: Hi guys
If somebody destroyed your allotment, stole your chooks and nicked your seeds, would you still be ok?

Allotments are one of the first places to be cleared out or destroyed.

Livestock, especially noisy chooks attract unwanted attention.

can you manage without those two things?

Imagine now you didnt have your allotment or chooks, could you make do, do you have enough stores to compensate for the loss?

Plus electric goes off then so does your food

do you have any dried goods to compensate for the loss of your freezer stuff?

do you have enough water to rehydrate the dry foods?

have you got enough pellets?
Minimum 1000?

two weeks food is not enough, you want 6 months to a year. MINIMUM.
I tried to be normal once.... Worst two minutes of my life...
18 August 2013, 19:09,
RE: Hi guys
Hello and welcome from londonistan
Todays mighty oak is just yesterdays nut that held its ground
In the land of the blind the one eyed man is king
18 August 2013, 19:20,
RE: Hi guys
welcome, from rural North Devon. don't think we can ever be ready for every eventuality but we can at least be in a better position than the sheeple.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
18 August 2013, 20:00,
RE: Hi guys
Forgot t say I work in an a&e department so when things start going wrong ill be clearing a few shelves of things Big Grin

I do have 3 large rainwater collection barrels which are full about 700 gallons of water, I am also able t purify this water,

I currently have approximately 2000 pellets and am applying for both shotgun certificate and FAC.

I feel hat prepping isn't about having a warehouse full of supplies, as they say you can't take it with you, unless you can drive an articulated lorry and have one, you aren't ever going to be prepared for every eventuality, I feel it should be more about thinking outside the box, viewing things differently, when I see my nice large decking out side I think nice decking, would make a nice pile of fire wood if I needed it, it's about seeing the possibility in things if you[/align] need them
18 August 2013, 20:06,
RE: Hi guys
Hello and welcome
Failure is NOT an option
18 August 2013, 20:08,
RE: Hi guys
Its not a matter of how much is enough to many of us, a healthy number of us make prepping a lifestyle choice so its a never ending process of preparing, adapting, learning, changing, stockpiling, growing, then reasessing how we are doing.

Preppers come in all sorts of types, hobby preppers, reluctant preppers, family preppers, bushcrafters, wilderness survivalits,fantasists and wannbes, keen amatuers, folks planning for short term emergencies, folks prepping for armageddon, folks prepping to societal collapse just loads and loads of different types god bless em all because the diversity improves our overall chances of survival.

18 August 2013, 20:31,
RE: Hi guys
Which is my point exactly, can we ever say we are prepared ? We can have supplies and plans but until something actually happens do we really know for sure that we are ready ?
18 August 2013, 20:39,
RE: Hi guys
Better to be prepared and not need it, rather than need and and not be prepared Smile, Welcome BTW


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