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BBC oil and gas and coal will run out in 5 yrs
20 May 2014, 19:43,
BBC oil and gas and coal will run out in 5 yrs
this report by the bbc clames that oil ,coal and gas will run out in the next 5 years,

what do you think...?
Survive the jive (youtube )
20 May 2014, 19:58,
RE: BBC oil and gas and coal will run out in 5 yrs
not sure mate will look into it
just read alas Babylon ,so im going to get more salt!!!!
20 May 2014, 20:19,
RE: BBC oil and gas and coal will run out in 5 yrs
Its just scare mongering and headline grabbing.

Yes production is decreasing, but 5 years, really!!

Compare it with this BBC page:

But I do believe this does emphasise the need for Fracking to be explored, we need to have more fuel security and be less reliant on the like of the Middle East and Russia.

Renewable energies are not a short term option, but in the longer term they will be producing much more.

But the ultimate goal has to be to develop Nuclear Fusion and Hydrogen cells
21 May 2014, 08:53,
RE: BBC oil and gas and coal will run out in 5 yrs
Oil is in the Post Peak phase..getting harder and harder to find the easily extracted stuff, Gas....don't think there is much left in the North Sea so we are probably reliant on gas from Russia or from another foreign supplier, Coal-do we have any coal mines still working? don't think even if its still underground we probably don't have the infrastructure to extract it. as for Nuclear..Don't like it myself...but even if we go that route TPTB are not replacing the old coal and diesel ones that are being shut down fast enough, the 2 new ones that ARE being built wont be on line for 10 years but there are 5 or so old ones being shut down by 2015 so there will be a shortfall. everyone got a stock of candles??Big Grin
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
21 May 2014, 09:56,
RE: BBC oil and gas and coal will run out in 5 yrs
BP, currently Nuclear generation is through Nuclear Fission, which yes isn't great from a safety perspective, but Nuclear Fusion is the future, if they can only overcome the last few technological restraints....
21 May 2014, 10:13,
RE: BBC oil and gas and coal will run out in 5 yrs
yes, but how long is that going to take??Big GrinBig Grin
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
21 May 2014, 11:20,
RE: BBC oil and gas and coal will run out in 5 yrs
Excellent, this madness has gone on long enough.
21 May 2014, 11:26,
RE: BBC oil and gas and coal will run out in 5 yrs
couldn't agree moreBig Grin
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
21 May 2014, 12:28,
RE: BBC oil and gas and coal will run out in 5 yrs
I think it's interesting news from both DEV and Sunna.

If Fracking and the alike is capable of delaying the 'extinction' of oil, or prolonging the period of time for an alternative to be created/found, then that's fantastic.

However, this is a great reason for us to really look at how such a thing would effect our daily lives.

Oil and it's constituent hydrocarbons make up a massive percentage of medicines, plastics, and bonding materials. Couple this with the more obvious fuel, lubrication, etc, then we could well have more than just a problem for transport.

A loss of oil would mean a loss of medications! That'll be one of the biggest problems we'll have to face. I'm hoping, but planning that it probably won't happen in time, there will be an alternative created that will cover the fuel needs and such. But as I've said, I'm planning on that not happening.

One of my biggest fears with this, is the loss of lubricants for engines, and medication.

That prospect is as scarey, if not more so, than loss of fuel.

The reason for this, we already know that bio-fuel works. So the farming of bio-fuel style crops will become massive, fuel will be rationed, but food will continue to be transported, and grown.

However, a car with hardly any fuel can still run for a bit. But a car with no oil...think of it as just dead. You'll destroy your engine.

This thread is a good reminder to stock more engine oil though. Thanks Sunna.
Dissent is the highest form of Patriotism - Thomas Jefferson
Those who sacrifice freedom for security deserve neither - Benjamin Franklin
21 May 2014, 12:32,
RE: BBC oil and gas and coal will run out in 5 yrs
get a bicycle..or several !!!
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.

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