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Sweden close to collapse - UK next?
20 October 2015, 18:43,
RE: Sweden close to collapse - UK next?
There are many who don't want to acknowledge what people and/or Governments can and will do to each other in the name of power, greed, ego or simply control. It's their worse nightmare and they would avoid it. Others, like preppers, are very aware of the many potential risks happening in the world and try and ready themselves. Everyone is different, what I see perhaps you won't and vice versa. Does that make you or me obtuse and plain stupid? I mean, you've prepped in your own way and me in mine. Given a scenario, maybe I've got it together much better than you or the other way around. It doesn't make you or me stupid, just unlucky. We haven't got a crystal ball so we don't know for sure what will happen out of hundreds of scenarios but we can do the best we can, prepare for the worse but hope for the best.
I'm NOT political so DON'T correct me!
20 October 2015, 19:41,
RE: Sweden close to collapse - UK next?
RS Saddam Hussain ...Iraq...the blame there was...He Saddam wanted to sell his oil for euro,s or gold...he wanted to drop the petrodollar ...that was him done....Gidaffi tried to do the same with a gold based currency he wanted his oil to be paid in gold Not the petrodollar.....that was him sorted ....and this is what happens to any country that does not want or try to get out of using the American Petrodollar....and now we have the BRICS ....inter trading using their own currency and dropping the Petrodollar....and the Swift payment system ...and now they have developed their own system...most of the BRICS countries and very busy dumping as much of the US bonds or exchanging for US assets other words all those dollars return to Uncle Sam.... KABOOM ! collapse .....or reset of all world currencies but for us lot total mayhem , disorder, and many will die if anyone is wondering why the USA is at the Russian borders, and surrounding China around the Pacific rim with air craft carriers , Afghanistan,Iraq,Syria,Lebanon, and every bloody where else ...this bit of information may let you grasp a bit better understanding of the real situation that is running right now ....sanctions ....Russia total farce the only ones suffering are the west ....but many in the EU are now pissed with the USA and starting to loose confidence in US policy....even shit for brains selling the / our family silver to can,t make this stuff up !...and there are we doing a backward flip about migrants?.....dear me....that,s the side show....take a look at the real stuff....Blair...Bush....just non entities..not even clever ones........rant over !
20 October 2015, 19:46,
RE: Sweden close to collapse - UK next?
Good post SS and an interesting appraisal, that means I need to read up more on the oil price system. Ta Muchly

20 October 2015, 20:17,
RE: Sweden close to collapse - UK next?
And i am very aware you WILL NR and i would encourage everyone to do the same...and when you DO the lights go on and shine bloody everywhere and in many directions ...then the BIG penny prepared for lots on things to fall into place pal.
20 October 2015, 20:35,
RE: Sweden close to collapse - UK next?
I can feel an aaaargh! moment coming on.
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
21 October 2015, 08:26,
RE: Sweden close to collapse - UK next?
SS - Within your 'rant' there are grains of truth. The use of the petrodollar and the rise of BRICS is only one of them but to explain Iraq etc on this is somewhat simplistic.

Much as you might dislike it, you (and others) may care to read the transcript of Tony Blair's speech in Chicago in 1999

The overthrow of Slobodan Milosevic and Sadaam Hussain was both moral and legal (and I will argue the case even if I'm the 'tenth man'.)

The west rescued Muslims from the terror of Milosevic's ethnic cleansing and they still haven't said "thank you".
21 October 2015, 08:48,
RE: Sweden close to collapse - UK next?
I disagree RS, Yugoslavia was just because its in Europe, Iraq quite simply has nothing to do with us, If Saddam was such a baddie his own regional super powers and other Arab nations should have dealt with it, Not the west.

Mind you the Yugoslavia ethnic cleansing followed by the Ukraine and now the mass migration threat shows us all beyond all doubt that the EU is toothless, indecisive, inept and pointless .

21 October 2015, 09:51,
RE: Sweden close to collapse - UK next?
Put bluntly RS i would not read anything Blair has written HE is the terrorist....i would not piss on the bastard if he was on fire.....Where is the Chilcott RS ?
21 October 2015, 10:28, (This post was last modified: 21 October 2015, 10:30 by River Song.)
RE: Sweden close to collapse - UK next?
@SS - well that closes the conversation doesnt it.

@NR - Sadaam became a threat when he used Gas on both the marsh arabs and the people in the north. It became genocide and under international conventions, no further consultation is necessary. The reason that local mid-eastern states didnt get involved was that they were scared of Sadaam. Remember that Sadaam had just finished a war with Iran. AQ Reps were already there in Baghdad and you dont get into Iraq at that level without Sadaam knowing about it.

As I say, I may be the tenth man but I will argue for the legitimacy of that war even if I'm the last person to do so.

OH BTW far from Blair being Bush's poodle.

Blair had to drag the US kicking and screaming into Yugoslavia even when Bush was an unknown governor in Texas
21 October 2015, 12:42, (This post was last modified: 21 October 2015, 12:51 by NorthernRaider.)
RE: Sweden close to collapse - UK next?
You miss the point RS, regardless of what Saddam was doing, WHAT HAS IT GOT T DO WITH US?

There are over 200 advanced countries out there, where was Russia, Germany, Italy, Holland, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Poland, China, the Baltic states, the Eastern European states ( much closer than us) North African countries, India, Pakistan, Burma, Malaya, Philippines, Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Peru, Australia, NZ, Japan, etc etc ALL OF WHOM USE IRAQI OIL.

We are not the world police force, we are a bankrupt, failed third world socialist failed state.

Yugoslavia, where was Hungary, Czech republic, Romania, France, Germany, Holland, Ukraine, Italy, Greece, Portugal ??? Again it had NOTHING TO DO WITH US.

""@NR - Sadaam became a threat when he used Gas on both the marsh arabs and the people in the north. It became genocide and under international conventions, no further consultation is necessary. The reason that local mid-eastern states didnt get involved was that they were scared of Sadaam. Remember that Sadaam had just finished a war with Iran. AQ Reps were already there in Baghdad and you dont get into Iraq at that level without Sadaam knowing about it.""

The war may have been legit , so why are we not invading China or Zimbabwe, or North Korea, or Sudan all of whom are carrying genocidal attacks on its citizens, Oh wait there is no oil in those locations. We cannot ever justify invading ONE country using genocidal behaviour unless we deal with every dictator, we invade IRAQ but not Syria, Saudi Arabia or Iran all whose human rights abuses are legend..

The fact remains we only went in for PROFIT not humanitarian reasons, AND none of those places have anything to do with us.

Net end result of US / UK interference in Iraq and Libya = Terrorism, failed states, collapsed failed states, kass migration and more people are dying NOW than were killed by Saddam.

Another point I picked up on decades ago, " Those shouting for war/ invasion / intervention the loudest are usually those who are the very last to pick up a rifle themselves"..

No one should demand a country starts a war unless THEY are willing to lead from the front personally.


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