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Gun sales rocket in Europe
18 May 2016, 08:52,
Gun sales rocket in Europe

Same story in Finland, Austria and the Czech republic as people flock to arm themselves as (A) They know what is coming (B) they want the same protection as afforded to their leaders and police............ Unfortunately in the UK the Criminals and Terrorists have access to ever more arms, and the police are ever more armed, and the POLITICIANS who created this unholy mess are protected by armed bodyguards WE the law abiding public at large are left utterly defenceless.

18 May 2016, 19:19,
RE: Gun sales rocket in Europe
EU sales quoted are primarily of blank firing guns, that are also capable of firing 8/9mm cartridges loaded with CS and Pepper dust.

Many have an interesting accessory that screws into the muzzle that allows them to also fire signal flares

Although effectively semi-automatic starting pistols, these things are being seen more and more often in Russia where they are often "adjusted" to fire live rounds.
72 de



STATUS: Bugged-In at the Bug-Out
18 May 2016, 19:53,
RE: Gun sales rocket in Europe
Whats the situation in your area with the migrants and guns for locals LS ( keep your OPSEC)

18 May 2016, 21:01,
RE: Gun sales rocket in Europe
If this trend in Europe doesn't give you pause for thought, this might:

Whilst he is right, Mr Apter doesn't show the same concerns for us civvies...

I feel he should go further in his statements.
The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal.

18 May 2016, 21:28,
RE: Gun sales rocket in Europe
That is EXACTLY the point Mistwatch, the Islamic terrorists dont attack cops or politicians they like to target large groups of innocent civilians, it is the citizen who should be armed. When you only have SECONDS to live at the hands of Terrorist gunmen its of little comfort to know the armed police are only 20 MINUTES away

19 May 2016, 00:46,
RE: Gun sales rocket in Europe
Shotgun licence applications/grants in the UK have significantly increased over the last few years. That's a lot of clay pigeons being targeted - NOT.. For those that feel utterly defenceless, then take up a new hobby of clay pigeon shooting Smile
"How far back in time do you think our future will be?"
19 May 2016, 16:05,
RE: Gun sales rocket in Europe
I wonder how many covert and illegal weapons leftover from various wars are floating around Europe, having been discreetly hidden away, rather than being turned in... I expect the numbers are substantial, although if anyone here would know one should not spill the beans... It is better that YOU know and that for anyone else it would be foolish for anyone to break the law, banish the thought...

A sporting shotgun beats nothing, but its limited range and the weight and cube of its ammunition makes it difficult for an evader to manage an adequate long term supply.

An accurate .22 bolt rifle fitted with a sound moderator would be very useful, could be used discreetly for hunting and if necessary for defence. Several hundred cartridges could be carried or cached easily and would last a long time if used with discretion.

73 de KE4SKY
"Almost Heaven" West Virginia
19 May 2016, 19:34,
RE: Gun sales rocket in Europe
Apparently in the Czech republic and Slovakia you can but Deactivated AK47s that can be reactivated in under 5 minutes, but that does not deal with the basic fundamental injustice of UK gun control laws.

Society has changed, violent crime and gun related terrorist outrages are increasing, and the UKs membership of the EU plus its immigration policies are making us more vulnerable than ever. Today we see the police are more heavily armed than ever and the Politicians who have created the dangers we now face are protected by armed bodyguards. BUT we the public at large and the primary choice of target for terrorists and criminals are denied the right to protect ourselves. The terrorists do NOT target the protected politicians or the well armed police, they choose to attack large groups of innocent civilians in Malls, Transport hubs, Concert Halls and Sports Venues etc and the police simply cannot respond fast enough to PREVENT an attack turning into a massacre. Putting it bluntly when you only have SECONDS to live at the hands of terrorists it is of no comfort to know the police are only MINUTES away. Only law abiding lawfully armed citizens can respond instantly to protect themselves and their families.

19 May 2016, 22:15,
RE: Gun sales rocket in Europe
If the police are unable to protect the public, do you foresee a public outcry loud enough that the firearms laws might be changed to recognize self defence as a legitimate reason for owning a firearm? If retired military and law enforcement were routinely allowed concealed carry permits that would be a useful deterrent. That is certainly the case in the US, but I suppose they would be selling ice cream in hell before that would be considered in the UK...

I suppose is one were to carry a quarterstaff ala Little John, that would be considered threatening...

Maybe a sock filled with lard around your neck which you could swing about like a cosh...

73 de KE4SKY
"Almost Heaven" West Virginia
20 May 2016, 09:49,
RE: Gun sales rocket in Europe
"If the police are unable to protect the public, do you foresee a public outcry loud enough that the firearms laws might be changed to recognize self defence "

To be utterly honest NO sir, I do not ever envisage this common sense attitude ever happening, its like this the UK media, UK establishment, EVERY government since 1968 has drip drip drip fed the British masses that guns are evil , guns (not people) kill, guns not people cause crime, and ANYONE who wants a gun is clearly insane and wants to massacre school children. the MEDIAS anti gun campaigns border on organise hysteria. They even portray Air guns and BB guns and AIRSOFT guns as DEADLY WEAPONS.

They have brainwashed the people into being irrationally TERRIFIED of guns, Then they compound this by encouraging the police to campaign to BAN GUNS saying " We the police are the only ones who should be armed and WE will protect you from criminals" Naturally it was total BS and has never worked and never will but it did turn the people even further away from the idea of protecting themselves and whilst being robbed, mugged, raped, murdered they should just dial 999 and ak for the police.

The REAL reasons for UK gun control have NOTHING to do with preventing or fighting crime ( the criminals are better armed than ever, once over they had sawn off shotguns, now they have AKs, Skorpions, Tokarevs etc) and everything to do with stopping the government from being overthrown. Think of our nationwide Poll Tax protests and riots and imagine how quick the government would have fell if the public had been armed. ( poll Tax introduction saw for example my annual local authority tax bill called RATES go from £94 for the house a year, to 2X £647 Poll Tax overnight £1290 ish.


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