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15 July 2016, 07:16,
Another awful attack in France, all involved are in my prayers
15 July 2016, 17:48,
RE: France
With the driver having a petty criminal record and already being on the police radar, it is unfortunate that he was able to bluff his way past roadblocks to "deliver ice cream" and to pull this off. This tragedy might have been thwarted with greater due diligence and better sharing of intel among security services and local police. All indications are this was a wannabe nutjob acting alone, but I think it likely the French are beginning to lose their sense of humor...

Alot of table topping is going on here now with the predicted July 15th "Day of Rage" being predicted. Good day to stay home.

73 de KE4SKY
"Almost Heaven" West Virginia
15 July 2016, 19:01,
RE: France
(15 July 2016, 17:48)CharlesHarris Wrote: With the driver having a petty criminal record and already being on the police radar, it is unfortunate that he was able to bluff his way past roadblocks to "deliver ice cream" and to pull this off. This tragedy might have been thwarted with greater due diligence and better sharing of intel among security services and local police. All indications are this was a wannabe nutjob acting alone, but I think it likely the French are beginning to lose their sense of humor...

Alot of table topping is going on here now with the predicted July 15th "Day of Rage" being predicted. Good day to stay home.


I was in the Nice area only last week, and I can confirm that by and large the French had already lost their sense of humour, even before this atrocity.

There are a growing number of French who would like to follow the Brits' Brexit from the EU....
72 de



STATUS: Bugged-In at the Bug-Out
15 July 2016, 19:04,
RE: France
Fox News just put up this story, which is sure to foment more rage among the French population at large:

French lawmakers told Bataclan terrorists tortured, disemboweled victims

terrorists tortured, disemboweled victims
By Louise Mensch Published July 15, 2016 Heat Street
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A French government committee has heard testimony, suppressed by the French government at the time and not released to the media, that the killers in the Bataclan tortured their victims on the second floor of the club, Heat Street reported exclusively.

Police witnesses in Parliament said they vomited when they saw the disfigured bodies.

Wahhabist killers apparently gouged out eyes, castatrated victims, and shoved their testicles in their mouths. They may also have disembowelled some poor souls. Women were stabbed in the genitals – and all the torture was, victims told police, filmed by Daesh or Islamic state for propaganda. As such, medics did not release the bodies of torture victims to the families, investigators said. Prosecutors claimed this was “a rumour” on the grounds that sharp knives were not found at the scene. They also claimed maybe shrapnel had caused the injuries.

Q. For the information of the Commission of Inquiry….can you tell us how you learned that there had been acts of barbarism within the Bataclan: beheadings, evisceration, eyes gouged out …?

Investigator: After the assault, we were with colleagues at the passage Saint-Pierre Amelot when I saw weeping from one of our colleagues who came outside to vomit. He told us what he had seen.

Q. Acts of torture happened on the second floor?

Further on the investigator described how this was kept from relatives:

A. Bodies have not been presented to families because there were beheaded people there, the murdered people, people who have been disembowelled . There are women who had their genitals stabbed.

Q. All this would have been videotaped for Daesh !

A. I believe so. Survivors have said so.

Elsewhere the investigator says women were sexually tortured, stabbed in the genitals, and eyes plucked out. People were decapitated.

The committee chief pressed the investigator if victims were decapitated or mutilated. He stated that the authorities had given out conflicting information, that victims were merely shot or blown up. The President of the Committee replied with this damning statement about one victim’s father discovering the gruesome truth in the morgue:

Mr. President Georges Fenech Indeed, the Committee is troubled by this information which hasappeard nowhere [in the media]. Thus, the father of one of the victims sent me a copy of a letter he sent to the investigating judge, which I quote in summary: “On the causes of the death of my son A., at the forensic institute in Paris, I was told, and what a shock it was for me at that moment, they had cut off his testicles, had put them in his mouth, and he was disembowelled. When I saw him behind glass, lying on a table, a white shroud covering it up to the neck, a psychologist was with me. He said: “The only presentable part of your son’s left profile.” I found that he had no right eye. I made the remark; I was informed that they had punctured his eye and sliced down the right side of his face, where very large hematoma that we could all see. ”

This particular witness could corroborate the statements that we heard from one of the BAC officials, that one of his investigators vomited immediately on leaving the Bataclan after finding a decapitation and evisceration. Are you aware of such facts?

The prosecutor replied lamely that no sharp knife had been found at the scene that could have been used these tortures.

73 de KE4SKY
"Almost Heaven" West Virginia
15 July 2016, 19:36,
RE: France
It is a terrible atrocity. Those poor people. Mind you, I don't think the French can get more angry than they are now. My friends over the Channel tell me that you could cut the tension with a knife, and it won't take much for a backlash to erupt throughout the country. It is not helped by the fact that the French absolutely loathe Muslims - seriously, anyone who has even the "look" of an Arab is guaranteed to be seen as the bottom of the pile. Things are going to get much, much worse.
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
15 July 2016, 21:32,
RE: France
Two issues here;
1 The complicity of the politicians.
2 How can you stop a driver with no weapons driving a truck. A weapon in its own right.

For the first one listen to this; It applies here as well. A call to arms.
For the second one we can do little about whilst they are protected by the state and we are disarmed.
Skean Dhude
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. - Charles Darwin
16 July 2016, 15:43,
RE: France
According the the BBC "Mr Molins said Lahouaiej-Bouhlel was "totally unknown" to French intelligence services, and was "never flagged for signs of radicalisation."

Such a tragic event and I fear we will see attacks here and in the USA in times to come; the can of worms we opened in the middle east will not empty anytime soon.
16 July 2016, 15:56,
RE: France
HP, I'm afraid you are right on this one. If elected Hillary plans to admit a million Syrian refugees during her first year in office. I'm sure they will all be grateful, loyal, hard working immigrants who will take all of the jobs which Americans on welfare don't want, because they'd rather vote for a lvingthan work for a living...

73 de KE4SKY
"Almost Heaven" West Virginia

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