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Munich Terror Attack 22 July
22 July 2016, 20:26,
Munich Terror Attack 22 July

All updates in Universal Coordinated Time (UTC)
19.08 US President Barack Obama has pledged support for Germany following the shootings in Munich "We are going to pledge all the support they may need," he said. "We don't yet know exactly what's happening there, but obviously our hearts go out to those who may have been injured."
19.05 A number of highways to the north of Munich have been sealed off and police have asked people to leave the highways clear. German border patrol helicopters are on their way to Munich, according to Bavarian broadcaster BR.
18.56 Police have confirmed that the McDonald's fast-food restaurant in the Olympia shopping center was attacked by the three shooters.
18.53 German media are reporting that Munich police have described the situation as "an acute terror threat."
18.51 Police are looking for three suspects with long guns, following the attack at the Olympia shopping center.
18.42 Munich's police spokesman has said "a terror attack is suspected."
18.31 A police spokesman has told the German dpa news agency that they are "expecting several dead" from the shooting at the Olympia shopping center in Munich.
18.26 Police have repeated their request that no videos or images of the police operation are put online and issued Tweets in French, in addition to German and English, with the same information, asking people to stay at home and off the streets:
18.23 Police have said there are unconfirmed reports of more violence and possible gunfire in the city center, asking people to avoid public areas as the situation is unclear:
18.20 German train operator Deutsche Bahn has evacuated Munich main train station.
18.15 Munich police issued a statement on their Facebook page reporting that witnesses saw three different individuals with firearms.
18.04 Police issued warnings in English asking people to avoid public areas because of gunfire:
17.55 Police are urging people to avoid public places in Munich as the situation is still very unclear and the whereabouts of the alleged shooter or shooters is unknown:
Media reports in Germany cited local police saying that several people were injured and some may have been killed as shots were fired in the Olympia shopping center (OEZ) in Munich, southern Germany on Friday evening.

73 de KE4SKY
"Almost Heaven" West Virginia
22 July 2016, 20:37,
RE: Munich Terror Attack 22 July
German tabloid Bild says police are being drafted in from Austria to help in Munich. The Germany-Austria border is just 42 miles (72km) away.

The newspaper also reports that all of the available security forces personnel in Bavaria, as well as neighbouring states Hessen and Baden-Wuerttemberg, are being sent to the city.

Police in the German city of Munich say the perpetrators of a shooting attack are still on the run, and they advise people to avoid public places.
There are reports of at least six people killed, but police have not confirmed that figure.

73 de KE4SKY
"Almost Heaven" West Virginia
23 July 2016, 12:22,
RE: Munich Terror Attack 22 July

18 year old lone shooter, no terrorist links but seemed fixated on mass shootings. He had been having treatment for mental health problems... a very very sad day.
23 July 2016, 19:12,
RE: Munich Terror Attack 22 July
Nice how they are trying to deflect the work of a young Iranian who was screaming Allah Akbar as he fired onto the shooter from Norway.

It's not the Muslims you have to rear, its the "right wing"?

Looks like Merkel is taking a lesson from the Obama playbook.
Every person should view freedom of speech as an essential right.
Without it you can not tell who the idiots are.
23 July 2016, 19:58,
RE: Munich Terror Attack 22 July

"In any population of Muslims within the West, a proportion will harbor Islamist sentiments, will despise the West as a morally inferior civilization that has, however, dominated many lands of Islam through a superior technology of warfare. I have quoted in these spaces the words of the late Harvard political scientist Samuel Huntington on all this, and I do so again because they capture so powerfully the essence of what we face.

“The underlying problem for the West,” wrote Huntington, “is not Islamic fundamentalism. It is Islam, a different civilization whose people are convinced of the superiority of their culture and are obsessed with the inferiority of their power. The problem for Islam is not the CIA or the U.S. Department of Defense.

It is the West, a different civilization whose people are convinced of the universality of their culture and believe that their superior, if declining, power imposes on them the obligation to extend that culture throughout the world.” He also wrote, “Some Westerners . . . have argued that the West does not have problems with Islam but only with violent Islamist extremists. Fourteen hundred years of history demonstrate otherwise.”

"There is a natural tension between the West and Islam that has always been there. And America has exacerbated that tension tremendously in recent years by establishing military bases upon the sacred Islamic soil of Saudi Arabia, invading Islamic lands, upending Islamic national leaders, and demanding that Muslims in their own lands adopt Western ways and ideals.

At the same time, many Americans are shocked when someone suggests that perhaps we should limit the influx of Muslims into the country in the face of the Islamist terrorist threat. Consider what happened when Donald Trump suggested, after San Bernardino, that Muslim immigration to the United States should be halted pending a better understanding of the potential threat it posed.

The reaction was immediate and nearly hysterical. Republicans, Democrats, liberals, conservatives, foreign leaders, military men—all rushed to denounce the suggestion as un-American, an assault on “who we are” and “what we as a country stand for.” Wrote conservative commentator Scott McConnell, “For several days, America experienced the kind of bipartisan power elite unanimity which one thought could happen only in the wake of national tragedy.” He noted that many commentators suggested the country actually needed more Muslim immigrants to help in the struggle against terrorism.

73 de KE4SKY
"Almost Heaven" West Virginia
23 July 2016, 21:01,
RE: Munich Terror Attack 22 July

At the moment, there is NO evidence for ANY Muslim involvement so lets not speculate on their involvement.

MB, CH, I can read right wing speculation on a number or prepper sites, lets stick to what is known. I honestly thought this site was more practical than the majority of (mainly USA) 'prepper' sites that pump out bilge post after post.

There must be many US sites where you both would strike a cord with members, this little UK site my not be the best place for speculative posts which are not always based on fact.

CH, you posted a 'panic' thread based on nothing, wait, look and learn whats going on before posting Sad
23 July 2016, 23:42,
RE: Munich Terror Attack 22 July
No ties to Islamic militants, but if German-Iranian I would not be taking any bets that he is RC or a Lutheran...

The main points:

- An 18-year-old German-Iranian dual national killed nine people in a mass shooting on Friday evening before killing himself.
- Twenty-seven people were wounded, including children. Three of them are in a critical condition.
- The shooting happened close to a shopping mall in central Munich.
- The suspect had no previous criminal record, was born in Germany and had no links to Islamist militants, police say. He was, however, "obsessed" with mass killers, according to police.

73 de KE4SKY
"Almost Heaven" West Virginia
24 July 2016, 03:08,
RE: Munich Terror Attack 22 July
(23 July 2016, 21:01)harrypalmer Wrote:

At the moment, there is NO evidence for ANY Muslim involvement so lets not speculate on their involvement.

MB, CH, I can read right wing speculation on a number or prepper sites, lets stick to what is known. I honestly thought this site was more practical than the majority of (mainly USA) 'prepper' sites that pump out bilge post after post.

There must be many US sites where you both would strike a cord with members, this little UK site my not be the best place for speculative posts which are not always based on fact.

CH, you posted a 'panic' thread based on nothing, wait, look and learn whats going on before posting Sad

If we have to listen to your socialist dribble you have to tolerate our right wing "bilge". It's part of the internet deal.

Besides, we get a lot of support from the right wing folks that are here, but afraid of your bullying.
Every person should view freedom of speech as an essential right.
Without it you can not tell who the idiots are.
24 July 2016, 04:26,
RE: Munich Terror Attack 22 July
MB, Bully!

73 de KE4SKY
"Almost Heaven" West Virginia
24 July 2016, 09:50,
RE: Munich Terror Attack 22 July
I think we all know that the media cover this up now. Even my chickens first thought was it was a muslim terrorist when I told them.

Someone running through anyway shouting Allah Akbar and killing people is a massive clue. One that Plod, the media and our lying politicians never seem to pick up on though.
Skean Dhude
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. - Charles Darwin

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