Is there enough fluoride in my water supply?
Possibly. However, only a few places (Hartlepool in the North East of England, and parts of Essex) have enough natural fluoride to benefit dental health. In other places it is added to only around 10% of the UK population's water supply - mainly in the West Midlands and the North East. Your water supplier will be able to tell you whether your water supply has fluoride added. The amount of fluoride added to the water will vary depending on which area you live in.
British Dental Foundation
Fears over fluoride plans
by JAMES CHAPMAN, Daily Mail
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Fear: health risks of added fluoride are not clear
Ministers have triggered a major health row by unveiling plans to allow fluoride to be added to all drinking water in England and Wales.
Water companies will be forced to add fluoride if local health authorities order it, despite controversy over the long-term effects on health, the Government confirmed.
A letter I found on another forum, seems same letter was sent to some in London, I'm going to write to my local water board and see what they send me.
I live in Essex, UK and i recently emailed my local water company to know the levels of fluoride in the water. I thought i'd share the response i got:
Dear Sir,
Thank you for your water quality query dated 20/09/08 regarding the
fluoridation of the water supply.
At the current time we do not fluoridate any of the water that we supply
and there are no plans in place to do so in the near future. The decision
to fluoridate water supplies is not a decision made by individual water
companies but by the Strategic Health Authority.
There are however background levels of fluoride found in drinking water.
Your property is situated in our Southend West water quality zone, the
level of fluoride in the drinking water provided to this area ranges
between 0.17 and 0.27 mg/l F. These fluoride concentrations are background
levels and fully comply with the regulations that stipulate that the
drinking water limit for fluoride to be less than 1.5mg/l F.
In your query you also mentioned that you believed that the UK is the only
country that supplies fluoridated water, this is in fact not true. There
are around 300 million people in the world that are supplied with
fluoridated water from approximately 39 countries. In the UK only 10% of
the population receive fluoridated water compared to 73% in the Republic of
Ireland, 60% of the USA and 61% of Australia.
I hope that you have found this information useful but should you have any
further queries please do not hesitate to contact me.