thats it! i have been told by SHMBO that our food storage is now FULL, cant get another single tin in anywhere

we live in a small 2 bed modern semi detached house- and i do mean SMALL, compared to our 2 bed maisonette in Glastonbury this place is TINY. our "larder" which is an alcove in the hallway we shelved out using second hand bookcases, that is now heaving with tins, bottles and packets, every shelf and cupboard in the tiny kitchen is now full, the spare bedroom is full of jackets camo and fleeces and all our spare clothing, ditto in our bedroom even under the bed, so thats it, we are now at saturation point!!!!!!

o she says i cant buy any more. we DO have room in the outdoor freezer(in the garage) for half a goat but i still havent been able to find anyone local with one for sale. so she says i can start saving money instead now.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.