10 October 2011, 09:39,
Kenneth Eames
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RE: Why Survival?
I've been a survivalist since the begining of WW2. I learned a lot from war rationing and made my mind up that I would never be short of food. Two years National Service with the Army added a great deal of valuable information. I have a large collection of seed packets and a supply of food, and I am still adding to it. Other goods are put by and I have about twenty shirts and many other clothes. I have cloth put by and lots of toilet paper. Exercise books to keep a Diary and many other things. Like SD I keep making lists as it is easy to miss things, many may be vital. Don't forget things for repairs. Kenneth Eames.
12 October 2011, 12:31,
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RE: Why Survival?
I am unable to explain why I googled the word 'survival' a few months ago but I ended up here after having looked at a great many other sites based elsewhere. I suspect that it was something to do with all the doom and gloom regarding the global economy, rising prices, falling income, reliance on the grid etc..
In a way I suppose I have been a survival person most of my life. I do not have any particular major skills that I can rely on and my i.q. as measured by the powers that be at a certain age was/is below par. But I have made my way, paid the bills and kept my nose clean so to speak.
This site coupled with other interests that I have has given me a new focus for the future (which seems a little shaky at the moment) because I wish to survive well and independently and have a quality of life that is not totally supplied by third parties. Detatching from the grid and using the natural elements for my own family requirements is a challenge that I will try to meet given lasting health and one or two functioning cells in the dome.
25 October 2011, 08:56,
prepper operator
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RE: Why Survival?
Sitting in a ditch in Germany during the Cold War, I asked the CO " Sir whilst we are here all kitted out with NBC gear and specialist vehicles and ready to fight the soviets in a nuclear war, What arrangments have been made to protect our families back home from nuclear weapons?"
This was the week the MOD announced proudly it had built a super bunker in Canada for the Royals and Govt to hide in along with one under London, Liverpool and Dover.
" Nothing was the COs reply, " the govt have decided its not cost effective to protect the civilian population of the UK "
That was the moment I became a survivalist and a Republican.
14 November 2011, 20:49,
Qua Est Mike
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RE: Why Survival?
I think in a way we as preppers or survivalists have a more primative attitude towards life, more animalistic if you please.
Animals tend not to think about survival, its just natural to them. Squirrels store nuts, birds feed up for winter, bears feed up and hibernate etc..
Maybe we're more atuned to our primitive side that allowed some men to survive for thousands of years whilst other people died.
Some reports about sheeple suggest they'd not want to survive without eastenders or the bill or x factor or a friday night at the pub.
I keep saying it but civilisation is a thin veneer, we're not that different from apes when all said and done, we just wear clothes and have a few more brain cells to rub together. think back to when we were kids, I bet the preppers amoungst us climed trees, built forts and explored, played army etc...
And it's just an assumption but I bet the sheeple didnt.
"Some say the end is near, some say we will see Armageddon soon...
I certainly hope we will, I sure could use a vacation from this silly shit."
15 November 2011, 11:32,
grumpy old man
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RE: Why Survival?
looking back as kid playing i did do those things and played with my action man wasn't really into games that much
to win the war, you must be willing to die
15 November 2011, 12:20,
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RE: Why Survival?
I grew up in the post-war era, parents didn't have much money but what they did have was a pantry, no freezers or supermarkets in those days, Dad had an area of the garden for growing veg, he didnt grow spuds but we were pretty much self sufficient in other veg, a few years later he got a lean to greenhouse and then we had tomatoes everywhere! i joined the scouts and learned about fire lighting and outdoor living. i had never heard of Survivalism until i saw a programme on the TV about it( that Louis person-i'm sure you've all seen it), it wasn't until 9/11 and then 7/7 that i got really involved in survivalism-i really DID think there was going to be a civil war in this country,. i still do!
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
15 November 2011, 13:05,
prepper operator
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RE: Why Survival?
Last night I read of how that over 1 million of our children are now unable to find even the most menial of jobs to earn a living, how UK unemployment is likely to NEVER go under 1.5 million, how the welfare bill will only ever grow, how income tax , VAT and fuel duty will only ever rise, how 247,000 British families have no place to call home. My wife tells me that most of this years newly qualified nurses can not find jobs. All this in one evening then I turn the TV on to see Cameron and all the other ruling social elite sitting down together at the Lord Mayors Banquet.
You can see the run away train coming down the track straight at you without a driver, if you belong to our community you will get out of the way, if you belong to mainstream society you will wait for train to stop or wait until someone tells you what to do.
Pop into WH Smiffs and look at the top selling magazines, Practical Poultry Keeping,Practical Pig, Homesteader, Small holder magazine, etc etc. Those capable on independant thought are getting the **** out of town and desperately learning how to be as self reliant as possible.