That butane torch I have will work in storm force winds and can easily be used for braising joints with as well, no blooming tinder cooker can do that.
Blazer PB207 butane lighter comparted with Prince brand generic copy
© 2010 Northern Raider
On first impressions they look very similar, but thats about the limit of similarity
1 The PB207s black plastic wear is dull semi textured type plastic like ABS and would probably absord small knocks and dings
The cheap version is made from a stiffer shinier type of plastic more akin to what you find in pens.
2 The Chain on the PB207 is very flexible 4 mm links chrome plated
The chain on the cheap model is less flexible 3 mm and looks like zinc plated.
3 The Castings and machine marks on the PB207 are clear, distinct and functional
The Castings on the cheap model are much less defined and shallow
4 The grill louvres on the head of the PB207 are clean clear and well machined
The grill louvres on the cheap model are not finish and not fully clean.
5 The Burner head on the PB 207 is much better machined to a higher standard than the cheaper model.
6 The insulator around the burner head on the 207 is much thicker than the one on the cheap model, AND the cheaper models insulator is distorted and not straight.
7 The Ignitor wire on the 207 looks to be brass or copper and well fitted. the Ignitor wire on the cheaper one is aluminium and very badly fitted.
8 There is a very effective flame hight adjuster on the head of the 207 but nothing is fitted on the head of the cheap model.
9 The ignitor switch is clean, strong and very positive on the 207 and lights first time 9 out of ten times in a row.
The ignitor switch on the cheap model is stiff and feels sticky and lights only 3 times out of ten attempts.
10 The fuel refill point on the base is made from machined 1mm thick stainless steel on the 207
but only .5mm brass on the cheap model.
11 Viewing through the clear plastic fuel tank two things become obvious, the fill pipe on the 207 looks to be copper with brass fittings and about 4 mm in diameter, there is a full length plastic gas pick up pipe in the 207 allowing the torch to be used inverted without a flameout.
The fill pipe on the cheap model appears to be all brass but only 2mm thick, the cheap model does NOT have a gas pick up pipe for invertyed use fitted at all.
12 As far as I can tell the plastic of the fuel tank itself is slightly thicker, but only ever so slightly on the 207.
13 The tiny machine screws used to hold everything together appear to be much higher quality with much better machied screw heads on the 207.
Blazer PB 207 torches can be obtained from for about £35
The generic version can be obtained from for about £8
Summary, you gets what you pay for .