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See Other Posts
17 September 2013, 17:27,
See Other Posts
Try as I might to make the odd posting that I feel may either be of interest or comment on others I am getting run down by what I see as some of intransigence of some.
I am also getting a little despondent at the way many postings appear to soon go off topic and to be honest get a bit silly with one line replies of no substance.
It also appears that some, who do not realise what they post, are steeped in their views they will not and do not accept others views. To be totally honest much is really quite childish.
That is my personal view, you are happy to have yours.
Therefore I will no longer post to this group.
Thanks to those who have read the odd post that I have made and I hope that what I have posted was helpful. Also thanks to those who have posted items that I have found useful.
17 September 2013, 17:42,
RE: See Other Posts
I hate to see anyone go, but I can very easily see why it happens

The only thing I can suggest to to keep a clear head and dont get too involved,... yes, I know its harder than it first appears at times,... but if a thread starts to get a bit too involved, or even personal than we should put our point across and then withdraw,...its no good any of us throwing insults back and forth

The other thing is that all of us should realise that, no two people are at the same prepping level, there are very experienced people around and people very new to prepping, both people may come across as either being cocky, or nieve,..., both need to understand that and compensate for each other.

....and then there is the fact that anyone can come up with an idea, no matter who they are or how long they have been prepping, if we all remember that, then we can all learn from each and every one of us

Leaving only shuts of your own useful information source,... as well as shuts off new ideas for the ones remaining

So it would be great if you were to reconsider staying
A major part of survival is invisibility.
17 September 2013, 18:30, (This post was last modified: 17 September 2013, 18:32 by Lightspeed.)
RE: See Other Posts

I took sebatical from SUK after bnging my head on a wall repeatedly, so I understand your frustration.

But we need articulate people with diverse points of view on here.

I felt it was a one way street and that I was wasting my time, but since returning I am surprised how many challenging ideas are helping to shape my own prepping activities. Hope you'll hang around a bit as there's probably still a lot to be gained, and I personally hope we gan gain from your insight too. ( no pun intended!)

HL's advice is sound. If you can stick with us, I'm sure that advice will stand you in good stead, without compromising you.
72 de



STATUS: Bugged-In at the Bug-Out
17 September 2013, 20:12,
RE: See Other Posts
Looks like you've been around SUK more than a year longer than I have, so perhaps you're in a better position to judge but it seems to me that, in order for those of us new to prepping to learn all we can, we need all the contributions we can get, from as many of those who know more than we do, that we can read and absorb.

As I see it, there are as many personalities here (as is the case anywhere,) as there are members and their posts will reflect that. Should we not then continue to contribute, ignoring that which is of no interest and gaining all the while from that which is?

17 September 2013, 21:57,
RE: See Other Posts
Hope you stick with it John , I know how you feel pal, thought of it lots myself of late......but loads of members would be deverstated if I left and worse the site would probably shut down without me ....and me being a legend in my own head andall and of course my noted modesty, stay pal and fight your corner.
18 September 2013, 16:38,
RE: See Other Posts
thanks for the thanks GG but also I thank YOU for what you the time to visit up at Highlanders place fuck all constrains YOU! You get things done! You inspire me , I notice this stuff and appreiciate all ,even when you might think you do nothing, its everything.

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