(4 October 2016, 09:28)Shaysdad99 Wrote: What about having a way where the whole towing frame can be ditched ?
You have quite the fantasy going on here, and apparently a load you can not wait to ditch.
Have you ever crawled under your vehicle and looked at how that hitch frame is attached to the vehicle?
Mine have always had two rails and a cross bar with the slide in attached to the cross bar. The rails are bolted into the frame at four places, sometimes six places, using self locking nuts on 8mm-12mm bolts. On my Jeep the assembly is welded.
If you are this concerned with being able to ditch a load you need to either trim down your kit, find another rig which will do the job, or like the squirrel, protect your nuts.
When attempting to bug out with a trailer you might get the best results by leaving before the horde clogs the highways or riots begin. That is especially true when you have already made the decision to abandon the load rather than defend the load.
If you are in a SHTF bug out everything in that load should be a life saving necessity, therefore abandoning it is abandoning life itself. If you need the items to stay alive you are committing suicide, and killing your family, if you abandon them.
If you do not have the means of defending those life sustaining articles, or eluding with them, you were simply deluding yourself in accumulating them.