(15 November 2011, 00:58)cryingfreeman Wrote: (22 September 2011, 11:03)JD1 Wrote: Although I think it may be considered I don't particularly think that preppers food would be too high on the governments agenda. Supermarkets and Distribution Centres would be much more likely to be taken under control and fuel certainly so.
A belated comment on that from me... Aren't all the UK supermarkets working on the "just in time" system? So that what's on the shelves is all they have? People think there are huge stashes out the back, when in fact there's just a loading bay for the daily deliveries from the distribution centres.
Yes the current stocks of food for the UK are held by the importers and supermarket distribution newtworks not the government. Currently the UK hold no national reserves of food or fuel for the civilian population and only the 90days war stocks for the military.
In the 70s and 90s the UK kept 90s days of meat, grain and fuel for the nation in huge depots and stores along with the rest of the civil defence infrastructures such as the Green godess fleet, etc, now we dont have any reserves, and the entire UK supermarket logistics system contains only 3 days supplies.
Pretty much a similar tale for oil and gas stocks, at one point only 2 or 3 years ago the UK only had 4 hours supplies of natural gas available during a cold spell, Norway piped us just enough to see us through. Again with electricity the south east of England very frequently is utterly reliant on supplies of electicity from Frances nuclear power stations at peak times during the winter.
Guys 60 years ago our grand parents kept extra foods and preserves for a rainy day or if they got snowed in, but with the advent of the supermarkets the sheeple stopped keeping food or fuel at home.
No larders in our houses any more, no more " I'll have 6 extra bags of coal please" anymore, No more " well buy half a pig and share it among the family".
I visited Leeds recently and found that many of the huge population of the apartment dwellers near the city center rely almost 100% on the 24/7 Tesco mini stores located at the base of the apartment blocks for almost every meal.