RE: EU Army???
If you go back and study European history, before it was rewritten to disguise the origins of current political doctrine, you will find that the EU was Hitler's idea and that all the milestones are being checked off by Frau Merkel.
And Putin is continuing the active measures begun under Stalin, to undermine the confidence of peoples in the Western world in their political system, dumbing down the educational system, undermining the influence of the church and family, creating a vast, dependent welfare class which worships their suckling upon the government teat, taking away personal freedoms, emasculating the male population and destroying the warrior class, all to make the workers compliant slaves...
Rule Britainia! Never, never never...
Now where did Grandpa bury those WW2 weapons, explosives and ammo he neglected to turn in?
Bug spray and pitchforks won't cut it. Rule 303!
73 de KE4SKY
In "Almost Heaven" West Virginia