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nice homemade alcohol stove, and a great website!
16 July 2012, 11:04,
nice homemade alcohol stove, and a great website!
so ive been using instructables for a long time and they have some amazing stuff on there, everything from cnc machines to laser cutters to food to homemade survival equipment, there really is alot of good stuff, if you can think it, chances are its on there!

anyways i just stumbled across this and i thought it was really nice so i thought i'd share it with y'all, hope you like it

also try out the website in general, its fantastic if you like making stuff, and to be honest, its fantastic even if you dont!
16 July 2012, 11:14,
RE: nice homemade alcohol stove, and a great website!
It is a great site and I've visited it for some time now.
Skean Dhude
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. - Charles Darwin
16 July 2012, 11:20,
RE: nice homemade alcohol stove, and a great website!
another great companion ible

ah im glad to see other users on here then! i just wasnt sure how well known the site was, so i reckon better to share and find out most know already than keep it to myself and deny anyone this great site Smile
16 July 2012, 12:38,
RE: nice homemade alcohol stove, and a great website!
I had little coke can penny stove I made for my kit together with an old nasal spray bottle with one charge of meths in it for fuel.
Mine burnt for 10 minutes which is enough time to boil a liter of water (just).

I tried lots of different designs from Wiki and before I got it right though. One experiment went "pop" dramatically and sprayed me with burning meths so be careful whoever wants to experiment.

I've also got a simple Altoids tin stove.
Basically fill a tin with fiberglass insulation and cover it with cut up metal mesh (mine from an old kitchen flour sifter). Add 30 mils of anything. Petrol, meths, deisel works (but gets a bit smoky), and I've even used rubbing alcohol. 4 x 6" nails makes a pot stand. Boils a liter of water in 8-10 mins.
The beauty of the altoids tin is in the lid. Blow it out, tip out any liquid, close the lid, and you don't have to worry about a smelly stove in your kit.

16 July 2012, 17:33,
RE: nice homemade alcohol stove, and a great website!
Been using this site for about 2 years and downloading info from it.
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