26 August 2012, 23:53,
The Local Ned
Posts: 243
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RE: Chances
Yes , we all have our own views as to how and why it will happen.
Ideal situation - is to be in a remote area , in a good concealed , strong position with a decent cache of supplies and livestock if applicable.
Vehicles would probably only be useful in the very initial stages of a social meltdown , beyond that they are more than likely going to focus attention ON you rather than away from you.
All of the above is only useful if you are prepared of course , have done your preps and have a decent skill/knowledge set.
The cities and larger towns will become no-go zones , and movement in and around will attempt to be controlled.
Get to your BOL asap , lie low , wait,watch and listen to whats going on around you and react accordingly.
ALWAYS have a plan B , even if its a rough idea of a secondary BOL , somewhere that acts as a goal, a target to give you something to stay focussed on.
Trying very hard not to be paranoid.....and it aint getting easier.
27 August 2012, 02:09,
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RE: Chances
Problem is what if you don't have a BOL?
I'm probably like a lot of folk on the forum who haven't to a BOL yet listen to talk of bugging out to a prepared BOL and sitting there until whatever has happened finishes then gaily go about reaping the rewards.
You city folk. I really feel for you.
Just don't get the idea that country living is easy or the answer. It ain't.
Round here the farmers will shoot first with the local population reloading for them. I'll probably load for them as well. Simple survival.
Luckily I'm rural so immediate bug outs (apart from being forced out) mean I can probably stay put for a while.
My plan is to appear totally grey and look like I've got nothing to offer.
Not much of a plan but realistic as like some I've no BOL to run to.
If I've got to bug out, I'd guess I'll last a while although how long a while is is open for interpretation. I'm guessing about 400 miles.
Then I'll be just like the rest of you.
Why do I think this?
Because once I leave the physical security of the home my tank of fuel won't last for ever.
Once the motor goes silent, I'm just another bit of meat for the grinder.
ANYONE caught in the open will be the same especially if you're trying to stagger along with 101 things in your pack.
Pessimistic viewpoint? Not really.
Like a few on the forum I've seen refugee columns so I'm not sitting here with rose coloured glasses on.
27 August 2012, 02:19,
The Local Ned
Posts: 243
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RE: Chances
Same here paul - I'm only really around 15 miles away from Glasgow , maybe 25 from Edinburgh with falkirk , cumbernauld , stirling all close by , but I can be outward bound and in the hills heading north within 10 minutes.
I feel for the urbanites too - rural survival won't be nice or easy , but it will be safer than trying to survive in the cities.
Staying put or bugging out - it all depends on your personal situation...I could probably stay put here , as its a smaller community that looks after its own , but we'd soon be swamped by sheeple from the towns around us.
Agreed - get out quick and get into some form of cover/shelter in a secluded area , if we're caught on the ground as the sheeple get desperate ,then chances are we become statistics.
Trying very hard not to be paranoid.....and it aint getting easier.
27 August 2012, 02:50,
(This post was last modified: 27 August 2012, 02:50 by Weyoun.)
Posts: 63
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RE: Chances
I have 2 years worth of food and supplies. Can I come and bug out with you ? There are two males with advanced fighting skills, and I mean advanced,and 1 female, 2 kids. Female is a Nurse. We have gas, cookers, meds, cleaning supplies, knives, air guns, swords,. I can keep 10 people for 32 years and always adding. I also have 1000's seeds.
Sorry, 2 years
27 August 2012, 08:18,
Posts: 502
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RE: Chances
I'm also looking for bug out buddies, let's get this done, y, all say safety in numbers after all, I can cook, make do and mend and shoot, I hope to have an air rifle next week and hope to apply for a shot gun licence next month, I have food supplies for aprox 6 month as new to prepping, Willing to travel lol.
27 August 2012, 08:49,
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RE: Chances
i am 30 and 40 miles away from any city and 30 miles from the end of the motorway, to start with we will bug IN and see how things progress( if this happens in a slow, slow drip way...if its a catastrophic national event then we bug out straight away), i'm not out in some farmhouse in the middle of nowhere( i wish) but i am in a better place than if i was still living in Plymouth!
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
27 August 2012, 12:13,
The Local Ned
Posts: 243
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RE: Chances
@ Weyoun.
You've obviously prepared well , and quite obviously aren't short of the readies.
Nothing personal mate - why haven't you sought out your own position , prepared it , cached supplies and made allowances for more bodies arriving if that's what your bug-out plan envisions ?
If I had the cash - the ground would be mine already , a concealed ( as much as poss ) stronghold would be built with escape options pre-planned , by that I mean alternative caches setup close-by.
With those supplies you could hole up and forget about the rest of us until the situation settled into anarchy or tyranny.
Honestly - I would rather bug-in from a prepared position and await any others arriving , than bug-out in the middle of a SHTF situation.
Trying very hard not to be paranoid.....and it aint getting easier.
18 September 2012, 21:57,
RE: Chances
like most of us i started to buy food, clothes,boots ,tent and all the rest of it... then more of the same....then more again, that was enough for me to think about and get my head around. Because most of you are down the road a bit you must understand those of us who are not as far as you, we need time to adjust and to contend with other normal day to day shit, we should not loose sight of the goal of others which is the same as the whole of us SURVIVAL this is why this site is a great aid for me... and you. I ponder alot but need time to think things thru then i act it all takes time BOL is now a priority for me and well stocked and well out the way . its not easy far from it ,its a big big call ..there is no choice you must have a BOL to stand any chance at all
18 September 2012, 22:24,
prepper operator
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RE: Chances
(18 September 2012, 21:57)Straight Shooter Wrote: like most of us i started to buy food, clothes,boots ,tent and all the rest of it... then more of the same....then more again, that was enough for me to think about and get my head around. Because most of you are down the road a bit you must understand those of us who are not as far as you, we need time to adjust and to contend with other normal day to day shit, we should not loose sight of the goal of others which is the same as the whole of us SURVIVAL this is why this site is a great aid for me... and you. I ponder alot but need time to think things thru then i act it all takes time BOL is now a priority for me and well stocked and well out the way . its not easy far from it ,its a big big call ..there is no choice you must have a BOL to stand any chance at all
Sir there is no right or wrong way to prep, what works for you is good, doing nowt is bad, every cache made, every plan formulated, every scenario addressed, every BOB built etc is a major gold star on your wall chart. What works for you works for you, just keep doing what your doing, reading, planning, training, caching, learning and most of all THINKING.