8 March 2013, 16:34,
Vita Navitas
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20 quick tips
These are just quick little things I'm writing up for people to remember, learn, realise, and enjoy.
1. Swipe a screwed up compass with a magnet to get it facing north again.
2. Replace your shoe/boot laces with paracord, and thread fishing line into the cord. Don't forget to add a hook or 2 snuck into the leather.
3. Place a stick into the ground, record the first position of the shadow, later on (about an hour) record the second position. You now know where is East and West.
4. Rain water isn't always pure, you can get ill from drinking it due to pollution it picks up on the way down. So be warned.
5. A needle doubles up as a compass when swiped by a magnet, use a leaf or cork to float it and allow it to face north.
6. Strips of rubber will ignite, even when damp/wet.
7. The ceramic caps off spark plugs shatter car windows when thrown at them. Much easier to carry than rocks.
8. Red filters on torches helps keep your night vision.
9. Animals can smell you coming, often before you see them. Use leaves to check which way the wind is blowing.
10. Cold air makes sound travel further.
11. Eating just rabbits will cause you to starve. Add veggies!
12. You burn more calories staying warm than you do exercising. Warmth is just as important as food.
13. A shotgun shell drilled into a tree becomes a damn effective tree chopping device.
14. Open your mouth and breath through your mouth to equalise your ear pressure, thus allowing you to hear better.....useful at night.
15. In the dark, stay low and use the stars to outline things.
16. Pine needles make a great Vit-C cup of tea.
17. Practice doesn't make perfect. Imperfect practice makes imperfect perfection. Always practice with perfect technique, in a survival situation you don't rise to the occasion, you drop to your default setting.
18. A slightly damn layer of clothing can act like a heat retainer, but it needs to be kept away from wind and under many other layers.
19. Worms are plentiful, and packed with protein. If it's a survival situation, a little washing up liquid, and sugar, mixed with water poured onto the ground get's them up and ready to be harvested.....remember to clean them off though.
20. A regular fitness regime is a GREAT way to maintain mental strength and focus.
Okay, I lied, just thought of another thing to add to my list (okay, there are thousands more, but I'm being lazy with this list....was going to do 50 but decided otherwise).
21. Don't eat yellow snow HAHAHAHAHA
Dissent is the highest form of Patriotism - Thomas Jefferson
Those who sacrifice freedom for security deserve neither - Benjamin Franklin
8 March 2013, 17:17,
Skean Dhude
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RE: 20 quick tips
(8 March 2013, 16:34)Scythe13 Wrote: 3. Place a stick into the ground, record the first position of the shadow, later on (about an hour) record the second position. You now know where is East and West.
How? Which is which?
(8 March 2013, 16:34)Scythe13 Wrote: 13. A shotgun shell drilled into a tree becomes a damn effective tree chopping device.
Again how? How do you detonate it?
Good list though. Please get the missus to record you doing No 13 just in case.
Skean Dhude
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. - Charles Darwin
8 March 2013, 17:49,
Vita Navitas
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RE: 20 quick tips
3. First stone is placed west of second stone, so, stone 1 = West, stone 2 = East. Stand right hand pointing East, left hand pointing West, and as long as you're looking straight ahead, you're facing north.
It's a rough guide, but pretty good.
13. I'd use a hot coal on a stick, but you could shoot it with an air rifle. Use a small fire if it's low down on the tree. You only bury the cartridge into the tree until the back end is the only part sticking out. Stand at the side, otherwise it could come flying backwards at you.
Dissent is the highest form of Patriotism - Thomas Jefferson
Those who sacrifice freedom for security deserve neither - Benjamin Franklin
8 March 2013, 22:17,
West Coast, Scottish Highlands
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RE: 20 quick tips
Better way to tell direction is to use your watch
Point the hour hand at the sun ..... the point mid way between the hour hand and the number 12 is south
A major part of survival is invisibility.
9 March 2013, 00:13,
RE: 20 quick tips
good post S13 ....and highlander
9 March 2013, 00:19,
(This post was last modified: 9 March 2013, 00:26 by Luci_ferson.)
Posts: 998
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RE: 20 quick tips
(8 March 2013, 17:49)Scythe13 Wrote: 3. First stone is placed west of second stone, so, stone 1 = West, stone 2 = East. Stand right hand pointing East, left hand pointing West, and as long as you're looking straight ahead, you're facing north.
It's a rough guide, but pretty good.
13. I'd use a hot coal on a stick, but you could shoot it with an air rifle. Use a small fire if it's low down on the tree. You only bury the cartridge into the tree until the back end is the only part sticking out. Stand at the side, otherwise it could come flying backwards at you.
id rather save the shotgun cartridge and chop the tree by hand.
il never get that cartridge back.
that bit of sweat could be a life saver sometime.
even if i found it and had no gun id rather keep it.
if ive found a cartridge i could be lucky enough to find a gun.
thanks for no2.
ive had a problem with going through bootlaces every few weeks.
gonna try see if paracord cures it (probably not what you meant but its worth a try)
98% of it, is science, the rest is rainbows - Luci_ferson