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Before I forget
19 December 2014, 11:41,
Before I forget
Seasons Greetings and Felicitations to you all, I hope you and your families have a wonderful Christmas.

For me I have learned a huge amount from you folks over the year, a much greater respect for urban preppers, a better understanding of what bushcraft and wilderness survival skills can bring to prep and survivalism, I have gained much needed advice on archery, comms, allotmenteering, power gen, city living, food production and much much more and its all thanks to the members of this forum both past and present.

Good luck for the New Year to everyone.

19 December 2014, 12:30,
RE: Before I forget
You too.

And a Merry Christmas to everyone!
20 December 2014, 07:01,
RE: Before I forget
and to you NR hope and to everyone you all have great Christmas
Ready for Anything
20 December 2014, 14:39,
RE: Before I forget
Yes happy shtfmas
24 December 2014, 19:34,
RE: Before I forget
Happy Crimbo one and all, hope you all have a good one.
25 December 2014, 01:08,
RE: Before I forget
happy xmas all Smile
just read alas Babylon ,so im going to get more salt!!!!
25 December 2014, 12:23,
RE: Before I forget
Same to you all

26 December 2014, 03:57,
RE: Before I forget
I'm not quite dead and gone - so while I'm still able to, I wish you all a very merry Christmas and the very best that the New Year can bring you...

26 December 2014, 13:35,
RE: Before I forget
Merry Christmas,

Let's hope for an uneventful new year.

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