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UK Weather
21 April 2012, 22:08,
RE: UK Weather
(21 April 2012, 20:53)Prep Girl Wrote: I don't believe there's any thing normal where H.A.A.R.P are concerned, even if what they do is innocent, I'm pretty sure that messing about with ionosphere and what ever else they do is not natural and has it's side effects
I'm in 2 minds about chem trails, if it's that toxic the Queen and the Government and their families are also breathing it in.

I agree about H.A.A.R.P anything military mixed with science is bound to be bit sinister.

My post is only about how the weather is changing daily and seeing a mix of sun then storms then sun to storm throughout the day, is normal for this month.

21 April 2012, 22:18,
RE: UK Weather
Yeah the weathers gone bit nuts, I posted last week about sitting here in the sun shine next minute there were hail stones coming down.

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