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28 inconvenient truths about TEOTWAWKI.
8 September 2013, 10:29,
28 inconvenient truths about TEOTWAWKI.
American site, a list!
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
8 September 2013, 10:39,
RE: 28 inconvenient truths about TEOTWAWKI.
Its refreshing to get a bit of truth instead of a moderated version....AngryAngryAngry
I tried to be normal once.... Worst two minutes of my life...
8 September 2013, 12:40,
RE: 28 inconvenient truths about TEOTWAWKI.
Interesting read.
8 September 2013, 12:48,
RE: 28 inconvenient truths about TEOTWAWKI.
at last a list i enjoyed reading
Survive the jive (youtube )
8 September 2013, 16:10,
RE: 28 inconvenient truths about TEOTWAWKI.
thats pretty much how i've always viewed it just never seen it written down so plainly.
Nothing is fool proof for a sufficiently talented fool!!!!
8 September 2013, 17:35,
RE: 28 inconvenient truths about TEOTWAWKI.
Nothing new there but seeing it all in one place does focus the mind.
Skean Dhude
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. - Charles Darwin
8 September 2013, 17:40,
RE: 28 inconvenient truths about TEOTWAWKI.
i'm sure this particular one has been posted before, but it dosent hurt to be reminded now and again.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.

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