17 May 2014, 21:54,
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RE: Personal Protection
I wear PPE 10hrs a day everyday. Bump cap, gloves, eye protection, composite toed boots or trainers (weather dependant) The only thing I'd add PSHTF would be my MTB body armour. It consists of combined knee/shin and elbow/forearm pads which are lightweight, breathable and don't restrict movement or I couldn't cycle in them. They go under your normal gear so you don't stand out either. If someone takes a swing at you with a golf club/bat/4x2 the forearm guards really help as your natural human reaction is to put up your arms in defence.(Krav Maga instructor liked them too) If you're going to wear a base layer too (who doesn't?) why not make sure it's nomex so when the zombie hoard burn your house down you can keep your cool whilst picking them off.
“In the long history of humankind those who learned to collaborate and improvise most effectively have prevailed” Charles Darwin
17 May 2014, 22:25,
Vita Navitas
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RE: Personal Protection
Can I just check something, with this personal protection equipment, do you plan on wearing it 24/7 or there about?
I was in a lightweight hunting garb over shorts and tshirt today, and it was hot even in that. When I say light weight garb, I do mean very lightweight!
Personally, the notion of running about wearing all this equipment that's being mentioned is just not going to fit into daily life. A hard hat, steel toe capped boots, composite body armour, and things like that, it's just going to be super hot and would cause me to melt like a candle in a furnace!
The most I would be opting for, would be BladeRunner style clothing. Which just feels like normal clothing, but adds an extra layer of protection, I.E. slash proof. Maybe the kevlar long johns too, but no chance in the summer. Actually, I would probably wear a cup (got to protect that area) and knee pads, then go more specific with protection for the stuff I planned to do. For example, if climbing, a helmet would make sense, but forearm protectors would seem to be wasted effort. When using a chainsaw, cotton-padded clothing (chainsaw protective clothing) would make sense. When expecting a gun fight, full tactical clothing would make sense, e.g. bullet proof vest, tactical helmet, etc.
Running around weighing an additional 20lbs-100lbs, in mid summer....it's going to screw you over! For winter, it would make more sense for heat, but your movement would be totally jacked up.
So can someone please explain to me how they perceive the everyday use of the PPE? Thank you.
Dissent is the highest form of Patriotism - Thomas Jefferson
Those who sacrifice freedom for security deserve neither - Benjamin Franklin
17 May 2014, 22:27,
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RE: Personal Protection
When you say your current Hoodie is cream crackered, is that a Blade Runner?
Are there any issues with durability of the Blade Runners as I was looking for something like that. The only other thing I've seen is the Turtle Skin base layers, but they are dam expensive!
17 May 2014, 22:31,
Vita Navitas
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RE: Personal Protection
Yes, it's my BladeRunner hoodie that's knackered. Otherwise it makes it sound like I only actually own 1 hoodie haha.
I think I'll just get a real tree camo hoodie, take apart the stitching, then resew the two together, so I get my normal hoodie outside, but the kevlar lining inside.
Dissent is the highest form of Patriotism - Thomas Jefferson
Those who sacrifice freedom for security deserve neither - Benjamin Franklin
17 May 2014, 22:38,
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RE: Personal Protection
Personally, no I am not looking for full PPE, but simply alternative clothing which provides added protection without looking out of place!
So things like the Blade Runner Hoodies and Deluth Trousers are perfect, but then I also tend to wear a baseball cap a lot of the time - you've met me so you know why! and I would certainly carry protective glasses and gloves with me.
Low profile knee pads (the ones that slip into work trousers) and possibly shin pads I can also see as being useful additions, which should not hamper or restrict you.
So its more a case of selecting the optimal clothing without drawing attention to yourself or hindering movement.
18 May 2014, 18:01,
Vita Navitas
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RE: Personal Protection
What about summer though?
Dissent is the highest form of Patriotism - Thomas Jefferson
Those who sacrifice freedom for security deserve neither - Benjamin Franklin
18 May 2014, 18:14,
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RE: Personal Protection
18 May 2014, 18:16,
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RE: Personal Protection
you don't want to venture out in the hot weather Devonian you might bump into Scythe in his famous shorts!!!the mind boggles!! 
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.