Race and Gender-Based Politics
All this race- and gender-based politics is very bad for our respective nations.
It is part of a larger effort to erase western culture and values.
That war is farther along in Europe with its low birth rates and unrestricted immigration from Africa and mid-east. Many Europeans are beginning to figure it out and are starting to push back against Brussels in a big way.
In the US we are watching the Brexit debate and progress with great interest and concern, as I feel there are lessons in it for America and if the warnings are not heeded, we are next in the row of dominoes to be attacked...
A nation that can't control its borders is lost. Milton Friedman made that very clear in his lectures on Choice and Consequence. Anyone not familiar with these can Google them. They are a good read. Politics of division is just a part of it, but a very effective and scary part.
The Left would (and seems to be doing so effectively) divide men from women with trumped up claims of sexism, creating a welfare state that discourages traditional families and fostering a court system that punishes men in divorce cases.
Divide communities along tribal lines: black, brown, yellow, white.
Also along religious lines: secularism, Christian, Mohammedan...
And further by confusing gender: using militant gender blending to destroy the traditional family.
Substitute dependence on government for parental responsibility, "it takes a village..."
The plan of the leftist NWO punishes those who built a productive social infrastructure and generous safety net through the bogus "critical theory" nonsense.
Universities here no longer require coursework in western civilization and the classics of Ancient Greece and Rome. My nephew just graduated from my alma Matter. He knows nothing of Cicero, Plato, or Aristotle. No Locke, Hume, or Smith. He's a computer science nerd. Back when I studied engineering I thought all that liberal arts stuff was a waste of effort.
As it turns out, it was the most valuable part of my education.
As a nation, we are destroying our true human capital, the legacy of western civilization.
No longer do our schools and churches teach children to honor the achievements of our ancestors.
Now kids are taught in public school and most universities to disregard anything that isn't new.
And that's the best reason to homeschool your kids! Yes, it's a HUGE investment and it is NOT at all easy. But you owe it to those you love to set them on a proper path to life. That oath begins with understanding truth and learning to use logic and reason. Simple, but not easy.
Grammar, Logic, and Rhetoric are the foundation of effective communication and reasoned, rational thought. Music as mental exercise which aids in understanding mathematics, the mechanical arts, and physical sciences round it out.
This is a long journey best taken one step at a time over decades...
73 de KE4SKY
In "Almost Heaven" West Virginia