18 July 2021, 18:35,
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Observing German Crisis
Watching the Germans handle their flood situation on international news has been revealing.
The information is very likely biased by the media, but if not it is interesting.
They are universally stunned over the lack of immediate and complete assistance from the government. The government should have already been there and cleaned up, replaced everything and put life back to normal. They have not done so within 48 hours so obviously no one cares!
No one has ever gone through anything like this before! No one in the world can imagine what they are feeling! They are the only ones with a problem.
All their stuff is gone, a lifetime of purchasing is gone, who will replace all of it? Oh yes, some people died too, that's tragic, but all my stuff is gone!
The rescue service refused to evacuate us! The flood was over and we were on the second floor and unharmed and safe, but they would not take us out. They said other people were hurt and needed their help! How could they be so unfeeling?
And it went on and on!
They build their world ten meters from a major river and seem completely shocked that it would have the audacity to break out of its banks and creep into their lives. And the universal cry, "the government should have done something before this happened!"
I am now convinced that 6 tough Russians with shotguns could march through Germany and be on the North Atlantic coast in a week, unopposed. They could own the place!
I, myself, live in a river oriented region. There is a major city close by that experiences flooding annually. Gazillions of dollars of tax money has gone into a system of dikes, levies and a complete river control system that extends for thousands of miles to help control the seasonal flooding, but it still exists with the knowledge that a freak situation might push the water over the levies and ruin property. If you live there you expect it. Over here we call it the "flood zone".
Apparently in Germany it is called the "It wouldn't dare!" zone.
Every person should view freedom of speech as an essential right.
Without it you can not tell who the idiots are.
18 July 2021, 19:29,
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RE: Observing German Crisis
MB, I couldn't have said it better. These sorts of floods happen every few years in Harper's Ferry, WV, Point of Rocks, MD and in multiple places along the Ohio River near you. While I don't live near the Potomac, the creeks feeding it flood regularly enough that the highway department places signs along the low-water bridge approaches: "High Water - Turn Around - Don't Drown!"
All the local volunteer fire departments have swiftwater rescue teams, equipment and training. Those who live in older homes along the river bottom land know to keep an axe and a crowbar in their attic. Houses which have been flooded before ofter have trap doors in the attic and gabled sitting "picnic" platforms large enough for a pair of lawn chairs, hibachi and a beer cooler so that they can fish from rooftop, feed and amuse themselves until the flood water goes down.
The resiliency of Rednecks. Love'em all!
73 de KE4SKY
In "Almost Heaven" West Virginia
18 July 2021, 19:36,
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RE: Observing German Crisis
I realise it does appear to be quite a puzzling reaction, but you would need to have previously visited the affected areas to understand the German mindset. A lot of the villages/little towns consist of very old properties, and of course when they were built no-one then took much notice of flooding risks. If it happened, God was angry, and that was the end of it. The big dams didn't exist then either. Germans today still appear to think they are the chosen race and how could Ma Nature have the temerity to trash the country. It would be funny if it wasn't so devastating for the little villages and towns affected.
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
18 July 2021, 20:20,
RE: Observing German Crisis
I remember well ABERFAN and the response of miners .....they were on the case within minuets and they kept on coming....gangs were organised and shifts were set to get the maximum effort ,they came in cars , motorbikes , buses, bicycles and many just walked.....they worked day and night until the job was done ! ....there was no need of government back then.....just welshmen taking care of their own ! Tragedy in any language is still tragedy ....governments do what they normally do sweet FA then cover themselves in any glory when it’s to be had ....in the case of ABERFAN the coalboard were aware of the water problems on that tip ....and did nothing .....storm Katrina was a known upcoming event but look at what transpired there sweet FA for weeks ...months .......people in power have a nasty habit of ducking, sidestepping and passing the parcel on to someone to carry the can ....it’s universal ......why would a German be any different .....armed with this information i freely pass on to you ....just bear this in mind when the shit hits the fan .....nobody is sending you help .
19 July 2021, 08:52,
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RE: Observing German Crisis
for those that rely on technology be aware that following the flooding in Germany mobile phone signal was down, too no doubt was the internet.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
19 July 2021, 19:35,
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RE: Observing German Crisis
That appraisal is both correct and wrong at the same time.
While the public had no access to cell phone service the network was still working. It was diverted for use by the police and rescue units and no public access was allowed. Everyone takes it for granted the network is out but it is simply shut down to prevent total gridlock of the system.
I have seen this several times and in one instance I was standing beside a police officer in a disaster area and he was talking on his cell phone while mine, and everyone around me, was dead as a hammer. He explained that his phone was provided by the department and buy passed the public system.
There are apps that allow use of the cell phone as a long range walkie talkie even when the network is down. They came into wide use after Katrina hit over here. They are used by private rescue groups to form private networks in these instances. Only problem is that it must be down loaded onto the phone before the net is restricted. After the storm it is too late. I understand that it also take a huge chunk of phone memory.
As for internet service?? Well I do without that each time some drunk hits a utility pole anywhere along the 30 miles from my home to the city. Sometimes it goes out due to a simple rain shower and if it is lightening during a storm I shut it down myself and unplug to save my hardware. I lost an entire system to lightening strike a few years back.
No internet would make it difficult to google "There's a flood, what do I need to take with me to the roof?"
Every person should view freedom of speech as an essential right.
Without it you can not tell who the idiots are.
20 July 2021, 11:39,
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RE: Observing German Crisis
TPTB in Germany dont seem to be able to get their act together, plenty of "photo opportunities" but definitely lack of actual help for those who have lost everything.
dont rely on government in an emergency because they always come up short.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.