16 August 2017, 19:45,
RE: The Threat of A Blonde Egotist With Bad Haircut
Let me assure you Harry i will remember this thread and the posts within ......btw ....Trump may be many things to many people .....but he is NO idiot.....i wonder what any of us do ? given the same treatment from all four cardinal points ...above and below ....lets not forget the american people voted and wanted him ....the system does NOT ....WHY VOTE ? same here ....we voted OUT of the EU and OUT we bloody well will go ....no matter how they try to spin us out of it , and try to have another vote on conditions of leaving what a load of bollocks desperate people take desperate measures to hang on to power and all the privilege and money....i have to tell you Harry i do wonder how you have arrived to your point of view and how you see things ...when all is in full sight...if you dare to look .....sooner or later i have hopes you will .
16 August 2017, 21:42,
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RE: The Threat of A Blonde Egotist With Bad Haircut
I agree with you SS, the best possible thing for this country is to quit the EU and as soon as we can. The whole unsavoury thing is going down the pan as we should be running like hell in the opposite direction.
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
16 August 2017, 22:56,
RE: The Threat of A Blonde Egotist With Bad Haircut
To be honest Mary ....being out of the EU will give us the best possible chance for the UK's Survival and future....but we will suffer from the events happening right NOW we cannot escape events....my biggest fear is these events will have a detrimental effect on us leaving as planned (if a real plan existed at all ) i would go as far as saying we are Out Of Time and have missed the boat......to gain more perspective .....TPTB did not expect to loose....we voted OUT .....Trump was voted IN ....miscalculation .......arrogance on their part or is it power of the people who have had enough of deceit corruption and bullshit ....the good news is THEY are on the run ....OUR confidence in them is fast evaporating ....the only tools left in their bag is to propagandise all Main Media (which they own ) or WW3 ......As for the EU at large its already dead in the water ..and will take us all down in the end (if the USA) does not do it first ....there is nothing good coming anytime soon ....the only good thing will be our prepps and all things we have learned here on this forum
and with a little help from friends scattered all over the globe
18 August 2017, 13:28,
Skean Dhude
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RE: The Threat of A Blonde Egotist With Bad Haircut
The best thing for the UK is to leave the EU. The better thing is if our politicians actually made the most of that instead of looking after their own interests and screwing us over.
HP, I think you will find little difference in NZ. My cousin moved there a long time ago and then moved to Oz. There are just fewer people and more sheep, and if that is your thing then good luck to you. In the meantime all our freedoms diminish.
Skean Dhude
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. - Charles Darwin
19 August 2017, 11:23,
Posts: 485
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RE: The Threat of A Blonde Egotist With Bad Haircut
Tell me how leaving the EU will be best for the UK, how it will protect industry, jobs in general, stop an exodus of businesses that will leave the sinking ship AKA the UK.
If we had the vote again brexit would not happen, many people have realised the error of voting from a knee jerk reaction caused by the drivel spouted by the likes of Farage and the new reality of the mess this country will be in shortly.
19 August 2017, 12:12,
RE: The Threat of A Blonde Egotist With Bad Haircut
There would be no point explaining Harry .....you seem as entrenched in your view as i am....its a shame you'r wrong though.....lol
20 August 2017, 04:08,
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RE: The Threat of A Blonde Egotist With Bad Haircut
Seems like the thread has drifted off course, but it is still entertaining.
HP, would you remove Rhode's statue from Oxford because he was a racist? Or should busts of Churchill be melted down and be recast into little Merkels?
It would appear here that leftists want to blast away the sculptures on Stone Mountain, GA just as the Taliban destroyed the Buddah and they would also like to remove Washington and Jefferson from Mount Rushmore because they owned slaves, and of course tear down the Jefferson Memorial in DC because the old boy fathered colored bastards with his slave Sally Hemmings.
But they still love Planned Parenthood, abortion and Margaret Sanger even though her theories on eugenics were intended to reduce the illegitimate birthrate among blacks.
Trump seems to be enjoying the distraction, nobody is concerned bout his dealings with the Russians anymore. Maybe this whole this is a Trump invented distraction??? Oh my! I said it...
73 de KE4SKY
In "Almost Heaven" West Virginia
20 August 2017, 12:39,
RE: The Threat of A Blonde Egotist With Bad Haircut
Fighting fire with fire is nothing new, Trumps turn to give some back ?....blasting sculptures is a modern day equivalent to burning books .....desperate measures by desperate people will Not cut it....never has.
20 August 2017, 19:09,
Posts: 1,402
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RE: The Threat of A Blonde Egotist With Bad Haircut
All this guff about taking down statues is very amusing. You cannot change what has happened in the past, and pretending that everything will be hunky dory if you take down a statue is pathetic. Typical snowflake students no doubt.
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
20 August 2017, 23:09,
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RE: The Threat of A Blonde Egotist With Bad Haircut
(20 August 2017, 19:09)MaryN Wrote: All this guff about taking down statues is very amusing. You cannot change what has happened in the past, and pretending that everything will be hunky dory if you take down a statue is pathetic. Typical snowflake students no doubt.
Nope, it is a violent liberal segment of our population that has organized under the anti-fascist label. That is what you are seeing labeled ANTIFA.
They are being supported by nearly the entire black segment of the population which is being stirred to revolution by the liberal media. Much of the black population over here claims to already be engaged in a "race war" and are operating as such.
So what is occurring is the same type of communist/fascist street battles that occurred in Germany just before WW2.
The incident in Charlottsville, VA was planned and set up, by the mayor and police chief, to happen as it did. The police are reporting universally that they were told to stand down and not interfere when violence presented itself.
The real plan was that Hillary was supposed to have been elected and to have already disarmed the conservative segment of the population during her first 6 months so that the revolution could take place unopposed.
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