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Man killed after gang attacks in quiet rural town
18 March 2012, 10:43, (This post was last modified: 18 March 2012, 10:44 by mikebratcher69.)
Man killed after gang attacks in quiet rural town
Rural gang violence heaing your way ooo aaaarrrrr!!!!!
Get off moi combine arvester!!!!

Man killed and second fighting for his life after gang attacks half a mile apart in quiet rural town

Police initially called to a house where they find a 33-year-old man lying injured with knife wounds
Within minutes they attend a second address and find another stab victim who died at the scene
Detectives arrest four men including two on suspicion of murder
Neighbours reported hearing 'a lot of noise and shouting' at the time of the attacks
Drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs.....
"Some say the end is near, some say we will see Armageddon soon...
I certainly hope we will, I sure could use a vacation from this silly shit."
18 March 2012, 10:58,
RE: Man killed after gang attacks in quiet rural town
population of Newbury 28,000 in 2001, so not a huge place but i think its the HQ of some pharmacutical company, home of the famous bypass of course and lots of stables, and of course drugs are everywhere these days, even here.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
18 March 2012, 11:55,
RE: Man killed after gang attacks in quiet rural town
Newbury is where LOTS of companies place their head offices, just because of the motorway access points and things like that.

The compnay I'm with has their head office over there, and there were loads of others out that direction too.
Dissent is the highest form of Patriotism - Thomas Jefferson
Those who sacrifice freedom for security deserve neither - Benjamin Franklin
18 March 2012, 12:07,
RE: Man killed after gang attacks in quiet rural town
This story comes out the same time as many forces announce they are going to close up to 80% of their rural police stations and tell peope to report crimes via the internet.

A double edged sword in my opinion, vulnerable rural dwellers will possibly be more vulnerble to criminal deeds, but alternately rural preppers will have more leeway in being able to ..... erm ...... Improve their personal and domestic security arrangements with even less risk of passing plods finding them, as the plods are gradually being almost fully withdrawn from rural areas.


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