7 April 2020, 01:51,
Ante Bellum
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RE: Planet lockdown
Do not look for a sanctuary in anyone except your self ཨོཾ་མ་ཎི་པདྨེ་ཧཱུྃ
7 April 2020, 01:56,
Ante Bellum
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RE: Planet lockdown
Do not look for a sanctuary in anyone except your self ཨོཾ་མ་ཎི་པདྨེ་ཧཱུྃ
7 April 2020, 02:06,
Ante Bellum
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RE: Planet lockdown
Mr icke, this video was removed from youtube today.
Do not look for a sanctuary in anyone except your self ཨོཾ་མ་ཎི་པདྨེ་ཧཱུྃ
8 April 2020, 20:31,
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RE: Planet lockdown
Nemo, how long have you really been locked in the house?
Every person should view freedom of speech as an essential right.
Without it you can not tell who the idiots are.
9 April 2020, 23:08,
Ante Bellum
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RE: Planet lockdown
(8 April 2020, 20:31)Mortblanc Wrote: Nemo, how long have you really been locked in the house?
Just because it seems crazy to you don't make you right,
what can't you see? I posted a video from your country quoting things like how they can now scan people going into a kids school with a gun, selling the idea to us, just think about that for a minute, first of all it's the save the children acceptance type psychology, anyway last time I had a scan done, the staff went in to a safe zone to do it, this 5g is really something to be concerned about.
As for the videos from inside china that I linked, they are just ahead of the game they are already head of rest of the world with this orwellian society program, and it is coming to us, I believe right or wrong we are now at the stage where it is going to be accelerated and forced on to us, this covid 19 is part of the trigger of events.
Do not look for a sanctuary in anyone except your self ཨོཾ་མ་ཎི་པདྨེ་ཧཱུྃ
9 April 2020, 23:31,
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RE: Planet lockdown
Nem, I fear many will not need it 'forced' on them, they will embrace it when it comes wrapped in the cloak of government care and assistance, like the drug pusher giving you the first or second dose for nothing, but by the third, "nooo dis time you have to pay for it!"
They already have 1984 in place, this is now the Brave New World part.
10 April 2020, 15:06,
Ante Bellum
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RE: Planet lockdown
(9 April 2020, 23:31)LAC Wrote: Nem, I fear many will not need it 'forced' on them, they will embrace it when it comes wrapped in the cloak of government care and assistance, like the drug pusher giving you the first or second dose for nothing, but by the third, "nooo dis time you have to pay for it!"
They already have 1984 in place, this is now the Brave New World part.
I have always felt the psychology the government use on us is childish and easy to spot, and in agreement with your post I see why because it just does not have to be any smarter,
most people are sheep and I have never spoken like this before or don't remember calling people sheep, but it's just come to that now, I am giving up on other people to help fight this and just looking towards the small things I can do to at least lower the effect on my family and friends.
Do not look for a sanctuary in anyone except your self ཨོཾ་མ་ཎི་པདྨེ་ཧཱུྃ
10 April 2020, 21:21,
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RE: Planet lockdown
(10 April 2020, 15:06)Nemesis Wrote: (9 April 2020, 23:31)LAC Wrote: Nem, I fear many will not need it 'forced' on them, they will embrace it when it comes wrapped in the cloak of government care and assistance, like the drug pusher giving you the first or second dose for nothing, but by the third, "nooo dis time you have to pay for it!"
They already have 1984 in place, this is now the Brave New World part.
I have always felt the psychology the government use on us is childish and easy to spot, and in agreement with your post I see why because it just does not have to be any smarter,
most people are sheep and I have never spoken like this before or don't remember calling people sheep, but it's just come to that now, I am giving up on other people to help fight this and just looking towards the small things I can do to at least lower the effect on my family and friends.
I know but having said that, there are a lot more people wise to it now. It's prepared but will still take some doing to fully implement it. There are also prominent people working on it.
10 April 2020, 23:17,
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RE: Planet lockdown
(9 April 2020, 23:08)Nemesis Wrote: (8 April 2020, 20:31)Mortblanc Wrote: Nemo, how long have you really been locked in the house?
Just because it seems crazy to you don't make you right,
what can't you see? I posted a video from your country quoting things like how they can now scan people going into a kids school with a gun, selling the idea to us, just think about that for a minute, first of all it's the save the children acceptance type psychology, anyway last time I had a scan done, the staff went in to a safe zone to do it, this 5g is really something to be concerned about.
As for the videos from inside china that I linked, they are just ahead of the game they are already head of rest of the world with this orwellian society program, and it is coming to us, I believe right or wrong we are now at the stage where it is going to be accelerated and forced on to us, this covid 19 is part of the trigger of events.
Just because something came from my country does not make it true or real! You tube is the world sanctuary of crazy! I loved that one, we had a TV series about that running for several years, it made a good action movie.
As for your references, it is just a case of crazy referencing quotes from crazy. I guarantee I can find a dozen You tube sites that say all of this CV is just a hoax and there is nothing to be afraid of.
Our CV war leader Dr Fauci was saying we had nothing to be afraid of until the end of February.
In fact, I have quotes from your man Boris stating such. How did that work out for him?
Now the Orwellian fears are not even valid at this point, you people went well past that benchmark long ago. Cat is already out of the bag on that one. Has been for decades. You are well known to be the most watched and photographed people in the world! Still crooks do what they wish when they wish too and no one can catch up with them, and you worry about someone watching you in down town London.
By the way, how does that facial recognition stuff do with surgical mask and face shield in place? Put on that M95 mask and pull the cap down low and quit worrying about it.
While covering your face with a mask was considered sinister 2 weeks ago it is now a mandate in some whole countries. We have several million people over here that can not enter a grocery store without wearing a mask.
BTW, how is the groceries holding out over there? Still got stuff on the shelves? That was what this thread was about, remember?
Every person should view freedom of speech as an essential right.
Without it you can not tell who the idiots are.
11 April 2020, 12:30,
Ante Bellum
Posts: 1,018
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RE: Planet lockdown
Mortblanc your really lost dude, your only goal is to prove others wrong on a forum and so I say get out more, let me make a few points because it's now becoming pointless replying to you, you just cannot see how wrong your way of thinking is I will try to show you some of it.
First of all I get information from, store workers, army, police, ambulance drivers, boating community, lorry driver and friends, to I also get social media related links sent to my whatsapp everyday and most are just fake, but I do always check good or bad I check.
The W.H.O is corrupt and this led the way in how some governments reacted, Dr Fauci got it wrong because he worked from the disinformation.
As for my Boris as you put it, him and his cobra gang completely proved what most of us with eyes open already knew, shut shit down, we were in fact given a clue with the spread and deaths from other countries RIP to them, but some so called genius bit like you "MB" thought he knew better then the real facts and decided that herd immunity was the way forward.
As for Orwellian fears and "us people went well past that benchmark long ago" your words, well MB your old and out of touch your confused in the sense that your lack of understanding the difference between CCTV of yesteryear and the new scanning 5G implemented on us now, the China name for this new age is called Watchdog and is very real, at no point have we had a system that will log us like tin of baked beans, and now with the new cameras and lamp posts, gas/electric meters, towers, and many more, soon it will be standard in cars and we will all just enjoy the benefits of it, but until they drop the bomb, the best way to take away freedom is to not allow it to be seen to be taken, first it will be fun. then a need and then a must.
You talk about us now during covid 19 wearing masks, are you aware that there are big players that what us chipped, not only that if you really took the time to watch one of the videos I posted, it clearly states the technology is working towards reconission of our body movements to uses as an identifier, just imagine where that would lead. so MB just because you use CCTV to spy on your neighbours daughter, just think your be able to go in to her bedroom with 5g scanning, I apologize for that statement but get the idea?, and even covering your face will not save you from identification, out of touch old man.
Well the thread was about groceries and that is being watched and reported here and in the other thread, although it would be a lot more efficient if other members took the time to help build a UK area map, but on this forum that will not happen, so we had to let that go I am afraid, since you asked wifes shop is now being stocked and it seems to be looking good, ambience is now in most shops and the limit has been raised to 3 items from 2 per customer of course this is in my locality.
Your last point and I must add made in a very childish manner, you said "Still got stuff on the shelves? That was what this thread was about, remember?" come on now they say old people turn back to babys it must be true  , but hey for the sake of it I will reply why this thread changed direction, the thread creator decided to open it up and changed its course and that led on to more what ifs and whys, and of course conspiracies.
Do not look for a sanctuary in anyone except your self ཨོཾ་མ་ཎི་པདྨེ་ཧཱུྃ