19 September 2020, 21:47,
RE: Second wave
Yes it was the same around here Pete, but we were early, but that soon changed as the day went on....busy then...we listened to the conversations of other shoppers “ Boris does not know what he’s doing “ “ they hav’ent got a clue” “ I do not believe this Corvid 19 is real “” this is ridiculous why are we queuing ? “ “ another national lock down is coming they say” “ they are even talking about restricting sales of alcohol...I would like to see them try ! “ .........nothing about Brexit ? Nothing about small family run shops closing, nothing about the furlough coming to a end , nothing about pending imminent layoffs , nothing about how people will loose their homes , nothing about food shortages on the way , ...........so it matters not what you think about this (pandemic) ....if you think it’s man made , made up , fear mongering , or something far more sinister ......it does not matter what you think........It’s got everyone’s attention for sure ....if it’s fiction ....you are playing it out and part of the illusion like it on not ....believe it or not ....you are a player ! But with very real consequences that will effect you and your family directly .....no longer the illusion when you loose your job or and your home and hope of replacing them....just because old timers like me own their homes and enjoy living on pensions does not mean
We are immune .........have you ever thought about where pensions generate the funds to pay out ? Where do they invest ? ......think on ! ......this is the reason why Corvid 19 lives in every town,city,country ....we are to focus on this single point .........the point that f..led up everything ....one thing and only one thing to blame and carry the can for all our ills.......and absolutely nothing to do in any shape or form with central banking system which was fine until Corvid 19 turned up! .......yeah right ! ....I mean you can not be that stupid with one head can you ? .
20 September 2020, 11:22,
Posts: 1,402
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RE: Second wave
I can understand your point of view, SS, but..... isn't this situation just the thing we prep for?
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
20 September 2020, 14:34,
Posts: 3,493
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RE: Second wave
Yes, that was quite the rant, but preaching to the choir, all six of us.
It does not matter real or man made, handled properly or mishandled. The results will be what they will be and we are simply trying to get past this bump in our lives which may or may not be one of the upcoming generation's defining factors of life.
My grand parents had their lives shaped by the Great Depression. My well educated and comfortable middle class grandparents crashed to poverty and homelessness and spent the rest of their lives recovering from the ravages of the GD. They never did, and carried the inner feeling of being robbed by fate to their deaths. My parents lived in the shadow of the physiological trauma of growing up under the care of people that had utterly and totally failed financially due to absolutely nothing in their control. I still carry that legacy as a "prepper". My entire life we ruled by the ups and downs of a government controlled economy in the wake of the GD.
The things we are living through now may be the turning point for the next 100 years of life on this planet. What can government do, what is allowed, what is normal family communication, how do people relate to others in small groups. Not just who raises our food, how do we source it and do we cook it on gas electric or blazing camel dung.
For the next 100 years people are going to be referring to the time "back before Covid 19".
Every person should view freedom of speech as an essential right.
Without it you can not tell who the idiots are.
20 September 2020, 17:30,
RE: Second wave
Yes my frustrations with family members came to the surface again in my rant ! .....there you go ! .
20 September 2020, 19:20,
Pete Grey
Posts: 1,282
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RE: Second wave
I’ve seen somewhere in the news that a survey has found that 48% of those asked thought the government were responsible for the spread of covid !!!.
Boris may be slow to act and information may be confusing to the simple minded.
Wash hands frequently, keep 2 metres apart and cover your mouth and nose will a mask or scarf isn’t to difficult to understand.
Far simpler than filling in an application for benefits.
21 September 2020, 22:59,
Little Lou
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RE: Second wave
Yes, I think we're ready. I've doubled up on some supplies this time, in order to avoid breaking into my 'proper' prepping stash, and have also acquired (and filled) an additional chest freezer. All drugs sorted, loads of sanitiser, wipes, sprays and PPE, and I've had my regular flu jab. Grocery deliveries booked weeks ahead - though I'm obviously not counting on them. Stocked up on seeds and all gardening supplies, and have a lot in the ground already.
I'm also stocking up on a few other things which might be in short supply soon, especially as a second wave of Corvid might disguise the shortages until it's too late. Given the pretty well worldwide failure of the wheat harvest, I'm being extra careful to stock flour and flour-based items, and given the likelihood of either a no-deal Brexit or the EU effectively conducting a blockade, I'm also being sure to cover the very few non-British supplies I use most - eg olive oil. If anyone has any other tips, I'd be very grateful to hear them.
22 September 2020, 17:15,
RE: Second wave
Lou , your flour .......if you own a vacuum machine you can prolong the storage time for (long term storage ) by vac packing ( just snip the flour bag first ) .....double heat seal the vac bag Lou both ends .....if you are using a ( roll) you do not need a oxy absorber ......same for sugar .
25 September 2020, 13:38,
RE: Second wave
We are in lock down again here in the welsh valleys ( past two weeks ) panic buying has started and shelves are being emptied ( in the last few days ) ....some items .....tinned foods , flour, pasta, are in particular demand as quoted on radio wales this morning.........now most of us lot on here are prepping for the new year and not really the next few months ......my point being how bad will it become then ? ......even if there was a magic cure tomorrow , it could not undo the damage to all the economy’s no matter where you reside The damage is done so things are not going to get better anytime soon ....if anything it’s going to get a lot worse , what ever comes what ever you do ......do not rely on governments ! Rely on your own abilities and those of your close friends and family........they are real ! .......whenever possible grow your own food.....even if it’s Cress ! It’s food !
25 September 2020, 14:16,
Posts: 15,254
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RE: Second wave
Dont know about a second wave more like a continuation of the first.
I'm expecting the North East and London to go into lockdown.
more of this for the next 6 months, we have the flu season coming upon us soon that is the time when corona virus will likely be at its worst.
whatever happens we will NEVER go back to the normal people knew in 2019, that is gone forever welcome to the new normal.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
26 September 2020, 19:49,
Pete Grey
Posts: 1,282
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RE: Second wave
Whether it’s the second wave or an upsurge of the first, cases are increasing fast. We’ve already got panic buying here.
Yet in London thousands are protesting about masks, self distancing and lockdown restrictions. I suppose these are the ones who think it’s all a conspiracy.
A million deaths worldwide, you can’t make that up.