17 January 2021, 01:14,
Posts: 340
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RE: Food Options
SS - thanks that's another option on the freeze dried soup to try.
PG - Unfortunately there's no farm foods close to me but was reading the 49p deal was only for a limited time and normal price is £1.25, the cheapest I could find was Iceland at £1.50 so picked up a few there but not tried it yet, will probably try them this Sunday for lunch.
6 February 2021, 11:33,
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RE: Food Options
the FB pies are not as good these days as I remember, mostly pastry and little meat, better to get some cans of stewing steak and forget the pastry.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
7 February 2021, 21:03,
RE: Food Options
Well BP ......we had one for Sunday lunch a week back , our potatoes, carrots , cabbage , peas , broad beans and some runner beans , oh and turnip n parsnip mash wild child made extra gravy ......I even wiped the plate with some homemade bread......both of us really enjoyed the meal ......okay wild thang could and does make better ! But really good value for the money! Only another sixty odd left.......then there’s the mince n onion .....mercy ! .
8 February 2021, 11:01,
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RE: Food Options
we grow a lot of our own fruit and veg here, not as much as when we had an allotment.
Potatoes, Squash, Raspberries-both cultivated and wild, 7 apple trees, various mint and herbs.
our meat we get delivered to the door straight from the farm, and eggs from a road side farm stall 1 mile away.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
8 February 2021, 18:20,
Pete Grey
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RE: Food Options
We don’t grow and preserve as much as we would like to but what we do produce in a SHTF situation would enrich our diet, and really extend our supplies, we have about six months dried and canned food. This would give us extra time to plant more veg (we have a good stock of seeds) and maybe forage/scavenge more.
28 February 2021, 14:06,
RE: Food Options
There is Nothing to compare with home grown produce be it vegetables,fruits, herbs , or preserves a little effort but huge returns ! No matter how small the area you have to work with, even if you have none , give the local farmers markets a go ....even better support your local farms ....make your own preserves ! And have the knowledge and satisfaction that you know where it came from .....and YOU made it ! .
28 February 2021, 14:30,
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RE: Food Options
there is I think a lot more taste in something someone grows at home and something that has been produced commercially and dont even get me started on supermarket food, most of their so called "fresh" stuff has no taste and much is inedible.
I havent bought supermarket meat since HFWhatshisface did his program on supermarket chickens and that was a hell of a long time ago!
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
15 June 2021, 19:27,
Posts: 44
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RE: Food Options
Most tinned goods I see have 'best before' dates, never a 'use by' date.
Does anyone recall the old Terry Wogan Radio 2 breakfast show? He did a long running article on old tinned foods and listeners rang in with dates from tins they'd kept - some for many decades! - and they'd open them 'on air' for a taste test. In most cases the tin contents were perfectly ok - but not all!
I've personally opened tins from 2007 and ate the contents - no problems.
The issue of stock rotation is probably more important but there's two routes to take on that. In a SHTF scenario you might need only prep for a 'short term' event - 2 years??? - before life returns to a kind of normality that doesn't require you to isolate and look after #1. In that case there's probably nothing in your cupboard that doesn't pass that length of time anyway?
But an EOTWAWKI is entirely different - but I wouldn't be worried in the least about dates on the tins!
Has anyone found a source for tinned chicken? ISTR (as a kid) opening tins that held a whole chicken but it's been decades since I've seen one. Not even sure they exist in the UK at all?
I did find some 'chicken in a jar' in a Polish food store and it had a 3+ year shelf life printed on it.
But I've been keeping hens for about a decade now so eggs/meat isn't really an issue.
15 June 2021, 22:09,
RE: Food Options
I posted years back ,when I started my apprenticeship in 1968 we were working on a council house refurb 25 houses , one of the things the plumber had to do was to renew the cold water feed from the cellar , the tenant refused to allow access to the cellar ? The bathroom and toilet and kitchen were no problem and those areas where most of the refurb was anyway.....while we were having a break , I noticed the cornflake box ....funny I thought not seen that one before ? Tony the plumber looked at me and said it’s been some time I’ve seen them......as we worked away tony said ....I have not seen those boxes in bloody years......they must be alright she’s eating a bowl full right now ! .........” come here young un “ do you notice anything strange along the street......No ......I am only a kid for Christ sakes .......look down along the pavement what do you see odd about her house ? .....there was a square vented pipe about 6” off the pavement ....yep I can see it .....” that’s an air vent “ .....I have to find out what’s in that cellar that she’s so adamant we can’t go in . Eventually she allowed access but only to the lead pipe just inside the door......there was a wall of railway sleepers and offset partition with a hidden door you would not know let alone see it plus a ton of coal in the way......while she was distracted we had a look.....sleepers lined every wall ....even shelves were made of sleepers ....tins , jars , biscuits, stone jars , boxes of cornflakes ....you name it .....and that vent was direct into the cellar.........but here’s the thing she told us later on that her father had seen the writing on the wall for WW2 and prepped for it and making sure his family would fair better than most, He never returned home .......but even more astonishing she was still eating those preps in 1968 23 years after the war .....
16 June 2021, 08:48,
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RE: Food Options
most things in tins will keep much longer than recommended on the tin, thats only so the supermarket dosent get sued if you get food poisoning, the only exceptions are some fruit, sometimes the contents including the juices it is stored in can go toxic but most stuff is okay for years, we go the FIFO-first in first out- rotation, periodically we have a sort out, anything that is left on the shelf and is well out of date is opened and checked, if it looks, smells and tastes okay we use it, if it dosent seem right we bin the contents and recycle the tin.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.