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Mobile Phones
12 September 2021, 10:30,
Mobile Phones
Have you noticed how mobile phones are now seen as a default item. Over the last year I have noticed many things that are not phone related require a mobile phone.

My bank insists on being able to text me a validation number when I want to spend my money. No text, no authorisation and no purchase.
I'm looking for a new WiFi router. You need a smart phone to set it up.
My NAS (Home Network Server) now has enhanced security which can only be 2FA (2 factor authentication) which can be, a text to a phone or a app on a smart phone. Nothing else and the system complains if you don't have 2fa set up every fucking time you log on.
Next up is Amazons returns. They assume you have a mobile to use the easy method. To their credit they do allow other returns but those require a printer. Although I can't see an alternative easy way.

There are many more and it is imo caused by young programmers taking the easy way. When I started programming I had allocated space to fit my code in. Now they can take as much as they want, and the lazy gits also link others code for many thing which is why a small program done in 5Kb previously can take up 2Mb of space plus require Microshafts 2Gb code library installed.

It won't be long before having a mobile is compulsory. It'll have you id and your vaxx status on it. No more 'Your papers bitte' but 'Your phone bitte' or more likely they just point a scanner at you and it will have logged everywhere you have been, everyone you were within 10ft of, every transaction you made and recorded everything you said. No warrant required.

The nazis just were too early. Technology has enabled everything that they, Stalin and now our own government have been wishing for.

And we voluntarily are walking into this because it is easy. The future is rapidly approaching and it is wearing big boots and carrying guns. We really are a stupid species.
Skean Dhude
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. - Charles Darwin
12 September 2021, 10:56,
RE: Mobile Phones
its not just having a mobile phone that will be compulsory it will be having a SMART phone that will be compulsory.
I carry a non smart phone just for emergencies and it stays in my pocket turned off most of the time.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
12 September 2021, 18:01,
RE: Mobile Phones
Same here, BP. I see no point in smart phones and have absolutely no desire to be connected 24 hours a day. Our mobiles are cheap PAYG models and are rarely switched on - emergency stuff only.

It's the same with smart meters - what point are they? I have yet to be convinced by various Agents that they will make any difference at all to the electricity we use. They must think we are stupid!
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
12 September 2021, 22:28,
RE: Mobile Phones
I have a smartphone, only half a dozen trusted friends have the number.

It’s normally only used for monitoring our CCTV cameras remotely, and occasionally as a satnav and compass, but it has some useful prep information stored on it. It’s not used for internet browsing or purchases or anything I don’t want people to know about. If anyone asks I say I haven’t got a smartphone.

I do have an old phone i’ve had for years, it hasn’t even got a camera but will do texts, and has a built in radio which may be useful, it’s now on it’s third battery. This is the everyday phone the number of which i give out.

I have a basic pay-as-you go phone in the car and there’s a power bank always on charge . Phone cost £20, cash paid and registered at the store, different name, then immediately aluminium foil wrapped, this is the one for SHTF that’s if phones are still working.

Shelter, security, water, food, cooking, heating, lighting, first aid, medication, communication, power, transport.
12 September 2021, 22:35,
RE: Mobile Phones
(12 September 2021, 22:28)Pete Grey Wrote: I have a basic pay-as-you go phone in the car and there’s a power bank always on charge . Phone cost £20, cash paid and registered at the store, different name, then immediately aluminium foil wrapped, this is the one for SHTF that’s if phones are still working.
Pete, The SIM expires if it isn't used. So after 6 months, in some cases less, it won't work. You have three options;
1) Top it up every few months remotely. Min £5.
2) make a call every few months, topping up as necessary.
3) Put it on a plan. Not sure what the cheapest monthly plan is.
Skean Dhude
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. - Charles Darwin
13 September 2021, 23:48,
RE: Mobile Phones
Yet all of you are communicating with people all over the world using a computer. Good God any fool anywhere in the world that can type UK Survival can look on here and see what your opinions have been for the past decade!

And you think nothing of this very site requiring providing an e-mail address to join and post. Anyone that can access your IP address can walk practically right to your door.

Bet you have all gone to Google Earth or Map-quest to get directions. You do realize you can send those from the computer to your phone?

And you were shopping on line during the pandemic to insure your safety and avoid shops. Did you swipe your card when the delivery came or use electronic transfer?

And I bet your retirement funds are automatically posted to your bank accounts and no one is refusing to accept those electronically tainted and easily traced funds!

I see a great deal of "selective concern" over things that do not matter, and a lot of back peddling when it involves money in the pocket.

25 years ago I had no cell phone. I did not know what I was missing! And I had several "incidents" that would have been instantly eliminated if I had owned one.

My best mate and I text each other every morning to insure we actually woke up alive, and do not need medical assistance. We are both widowers and live alone.

I have emergency access in my pocket 24/7. And if you don't really use the phone it will be left on the shelf at home when most needed. You will walk out and forget it.

I text my kids 2-3 times daily. My Grandchildren text me. I keep track of my funds in the bank account with a penny to the minute report of my money. I text when late to meetings and use the phone for navigation constantly. I use it to find routes around clogged traffic.

I have two different GPS navigation apps that cover all of the public access land in the U.S. and the back road routes to get there along with remote forest campsites. That is in addition to the Google maps already on the phone.

I use the calculator function daily, play music and keep track of messages. I use the alarm function constantly and set up alerts for medical appointments months in advance.

I make videos with my phone and have the ability to store 5,000 photographs in my memory bank. It has a better camera than any I own. I can photograph, time stamp and verify crap that can be used as evidence in court if necessary.

I have about twice the computer function on my phone than the Apollo rocket did when it landed on the moon!

I'm not giving that up just because you still own a flip phone and wont spring for a decent smartphone. And I'm not going to feel remorse about it or share the thought that I am not being true to "return to Middle Earth" syndrome.

And with all those picture on all of the phones in the world I am still waiting for one good shot of Big Foot!

In general a person adopts the technology of their friends and family so they can keep up communication. Or they don't and scream that no one loves them anymore because they have not received any "snail mail" lately or missed the group text to show up at the coffee shop for a chat!
Every person should view freedom of speech as an essential right.
Without it you can not tell who the idiots are.
14 September 2021, 09:07,
RE: Mobile Phones
yes MB I have a "flip" phone, its not a smart phone, I dont do "apps" and I dont do online banking.
all communications I make and there are only a couple of people I regularly contact are done using pms on forums like this one. I phone no one and no one phones me, the phone is for emergencies only and I havent had one of those for several years, so its for "just in case".
I try to keep my technology use to a minimum if I can.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
14 September 2021, 12:34,
RE: Mobile Phones
I think the point is that the technology is there, but you are not obliged to use it if it makes you feel uncomfortable, and no-one should have the right to force it on you. If my family and friends wish to contact me I have a landline and answerphone - use it or not, it's up to them. I don't feel unloved or forgotten - far too busy and I have a life. I also have a nice little programme on my computer that allows me to read any incoming mail before it reaches my inbox, I can let it though; blacklist it; block it or bounce it. I allow no automatic anything if I can avoid it, and that's not because I don't like technology - it's very clever - I simply choose not to embrace all of it. Am I a Luddite? Mmmm.... possibly.
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
14 September 2021, 12:55,
RE: Mobile Phones
Oh I am DEFINITELY a Luddite!!!
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
14 September 2021, 22:14,
RE: Mobile Phones
Just seems a bit off the wall to embrace one technology freely and reject another out of hand.

You will do e-mail, but not on the phone. Wi-fi is ok, even though it is wireless communication that can be intercepted. You will accept money sent by electronic transfer, but not send it or transfer it on-line and you will place boundaries on your communication with loved ones based on your distrust of one system while using an equally corrupted method freely.

You do realize that your land line telephone conversation goes to microwave on the system ASAP?

Reminds me of the religious sect we have over here called the Amish. The more strict sects reject all technology. No cars or trucks, not even a bicycle, no electricity in their homes, no indoor plumbing, no land line telephones, no radio or TV and they do not allow themselves to be photographed. Some will not even allow glass in the windows of their 1 horsepower buggies.

They say this separates them from the "English", which is mandatory for salvation.

Guess what they do allow?

Computers and smart phones!

They view them as a necessary means of engaging in business and making a living.
Every person should view freedom of speech as an essential right.
Without it you can not tell who the idiots are.

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