24 March 2012, 07:20,
Posts: 63
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What could happen
This is a good indication of what could happen in a post SHTF scenario. What is significant now is the fact that the Gov has been importing many foreign cultures for many years, which will lead to more factions and ensure that the populous cull themselves.
24 March 2012, 07:49,
Reality Jones
The Resurection
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RE: What could happen
(24 March 2012, 07:20)Weyoun Wrote: This is a good indication of what could happen in a post SHTF scenario. What is significant now is the fact that the Gov has been importing many foreign cultures for many years, which will lead to more factions and ensure that the populous cull themselves.
It looks like a good book.
We can't even begin to imagine the true horror of those times, but as has been proved time and time again the veneer of humanity is wafer thin and just below its surface sits the beast in us all, waiting and prowling for its chance to escape and wreak terrible deeds upon the weak.
With todays mass of cultures all squeezed into this tiny island it's going to be a backlash of biblical proportions and the inevitability of a race war kicking off is looking very likely.
There's no Justice, There's Just Us.
24 March 2012, 09:54,
Posts: 63
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RE: What could happen
For the last 20 years the Police have been quietly turning Police Stations into virtual fortresses. Rebuilding them in the name of progress, but with an amazing array of protective elements, such as Iron shutters, unbreakable glass, high thick walls, small barred windows. At the same time large numbers of disparate groups have been imported, not included and not integrated, but corralled into pockets and enclaves.
We, the indigenous have been shackled with draconian laws that prevent us from speaking out or doing anything to stop this, policed by zealots and misfits who could not ordinarily get a job, but are perfect Quisling material. Ready to don their his-vis jackets to show their "authority" and position above us. You see Parking wardens recruited in large numbers from African countries. Hardly able to speak English, but willing to do the devils work for a uniform and a wage that they could never have dreamed of, subjecting decent honest people to fine after fine after fine. Just another scam tax.
The kettle is boiling and when it boils over and all the food and water is gone, these "tribes" and countrymen are going to band together and make horrid war. Then those foolish, pliable sheeple who let this happen will wonder what is going on and who is going to save them.......no one is.
You got what you voted for bitch.
24 March 2012, 11:35,
Qua Est Mike
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RE: What could happen
yeah woooo !!!! go Weyoun !!!
I posted this link again without checking first, shame on me.
Weyoun, I agree 1000%
I myself have wondered for years why they've been importing foreign nationals at such an alarming rate...
If and when shtf happens, I think they feared us banding together and come looking for them... but now we'll be too busy in tribal wars and defence wont we... far too busy slaughtering each other, and when after years of it they come back as our saviours thinking we'll welcome them back with open arms for the laws they will provide and the safety net they'll give in exchange for our souls, wont they be wrong, because a man or woman who has fought long and hard for his and his kins lives will not give that freedom up to a sycophantic government who come seeking us out because we will not be beaten and will only become stronger by there deceit and treachery, they will seek us out like some servile dog, let us not forget the road they lead us down now, and what they are willing to subject us to like in the article.
"Some say the end is near, some say we will see Armageddon soon...
I certainly hope we will, I sure could use a vacation from this silly shit."
24 March 2012, 15:45,
Skean Dhude
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RE: What could happen
Like everything our political class do they just don't think ahead.
The are importing people who deal with politicians, law and government with violence when they don't get their own way. I think the sheep will open their eyes soon enough as they are now and we will see violence like we have not seen before,not our generation anyway.
Skean Dhude
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. - Charles Darwin
24 March 2012, 18:33,
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RE: What could happen
This country is a time bomb just ticking away sooner or later it will stop ticking and explode.
Failure is NOT an option
24 March 2012, 23:28,
Vir of Telum
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RE: What could happen
You can see in these middle eastern countries, how the dictatorial rulers support minority factions against the will of the majority factions. This enables them to keep the infighting going on and another excuse for repression. As you suggest Wayoun, it may be a plan well underway here. The indiginous British would not have turned on each other - after the last major wars of the 20th Century and at last we had a united & civilised Nation. Obviously this is not ideal to installing a dictatorship. TL.