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17 May 2012, 18:42,
things are more than likely to go tits up within a month or so
i know trouble can come out of nowhere but in the areas u live are u expecting it ? and if so what are your plans for this eventuallity
17 May 2012, 20:28,
RE: areas
BD stop using text speak please mate, it confuses old buggers like me Smile

Yes up here we are expecting major troubles coming soon, economically whilst unemployment fell in the UK by 450,000 up here in the NE it actually rose by 7000, Then we percieve a threat from the Home Counties councils ethnic cleansing its homeless and poor by sending them to live up here which will only increase the deprivation we already have. Then add the Greeks economy going tits up and both the EU and our own traitorous politicians planning on using even more of our tax money to bail out the failed Euro and EU experiment.
Then add the reports that if Greece leaves the Euro hundreds of thousands of poor greeks are likely to migrate to northern europe to look for work, this will piss off the itinerant Turkish migrants workers and the Eastern europeans who are already wrecking the UK.
Then add the unrest by the over paid and under worked public sector in the UK and the high risk of the Greek problem spreading to Portugal, Eire, Italy etc and things look bad, its made worse by the high number of retards in the UK who are likely to vote Labour back into office to finish the ruination of the country they started in 96.

17 May 2012, 20:39,
RE: areas
sorry nr i will use the queens english from now on Smile

17 May 2012, 20:43,
RE: areas
My bloody son keweps texing me messages on my mobile phone but I normally have to wait til he comes home to explain to me what he wrote Smile

17 May 2012, 22:42,
RE: areas
My local concerns are:

1. flooding from the sea, mainly tsunami.

2. attacks on or accidents in the many military bases that surround me.
The Navy pier on the other side of the harbour blew up in the 50s and damaged hundreds of houses around me, including this one (I wasn't alive then though).
And I have evidence that nuclear weapons are stored 2 miles North of here. I think that's supposed to be a secret though.

3. Every time there is football match at Fratton Park, I swear the streets of Portsmouth fill with zombies!

... erm that's it for area specific I think... all the rest are general.

18 May 2012, 09:11,
RE: areas
cant think of any specific threat here, the South west is predominately a low wage area, lots of unemployment but thats normal life down hereTongue as for anything else, the nearest dockyard is 40+ miles away, the nearest city is 30 miles away, we are not near the coast and the nearest nuclear power station is at Hinckley Point in Somerset..we are not downwind of it and we have Exmoor between it and us, so no, i cant think of any specific threat that would cause me concern at this point in time.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
19 May 2012, 00:03,
RE: areas
As many others are - I'm keeping a close eye on the Greek / Eurozone looming disaster , if the greeks do bail out and renege on their debts , then the paddys will do the same , as will the spanish , as will the portuguese.

The european 'identity' will be on the brink of disaster , and it could be the catalyst to ignite other tensions within the UK itself , we have already had the polish and other eastern euro influx , none of which seem to be integrating , only here to capitalise on opportunityand oureasy benefits systems.

God help us if there is a stampede of greeks and others to here , if it does the UK will slowly choke to death , a death caused by our own benificence and left over guilt from a bygone colonial era.

The world was a far better place when half of the atlas was pink in colour.

Local issues ?

None prevalent that I can say for sure will be a major problem.
My area is mixed rural / suburban , and I'm near both Glasgow , Falkirk , Edinburgh..but my location is well placed for a quick bugout into the hills and high ground. Concerns regarding sheeple movement from those conurbations , but I should be well clear of here before any of them start turning up nearby.

For anyone interested or whomay not be aware of any sites near them that could be useful , dangerous to visit , check this site out.

Sub Brit - Locations of known.
Trying very hard not to be paranoid.....and it aint getting easier.
19 May 2012, 00:31,
RE: areas
(19 May 2012, 00:03)The Local Ned Wrote: For anyone interested or whomay not be aware of any sites near them that could be useful , dangerous to visit , check this site out.

Sub Brit - Locations of known.

Interesting link. There are a few places I know about locally that aren't on there, but more importantly there are also a few places that I didn't know about. Thanks.
19 May 2012, 01:24,
RE: areas
No probs Tonka.

A lot of very useful info can be gleamed from the net regarding old civil defence or observer corps bunkers , many still have their filtration systems and generators in-situ , although most of the equipment will be obsolete now of course. The smaller ones have dead giveaways with their green painted faraday cages and/or vents outside near the concrete access area.

They could be useful temporary emergency locations to get to.....

An example..
Trying very hard not to be paranoid.....and it aint getting easier.
19 May 2012, 08:45,
RE: areas
civil defense posts around here are just that, a post in the ground!!Big Grin
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.

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