29 May 2012, 14:29,
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SHTF Predictions
I have recently been feeling very concerned that the date of the "Big One," , the "Aha, I was right all along" moment, whatever that may be, is approaching. With all the contributing factors like the Euro, oil, sun cycles, growing social discord, climate change, Olympics etc, It seems that it could happen fairly soon.
I was wondering if anyone had any predictions on how much time we have left? I am worried that by the time I am economically independent and squared away it will be too late.
My parents do not care for any of this. They can see the sense in stored food, but fail to see any need for urgency. My younger brother is totally on board, but that is not very much help.
In the mean time I will be doing the best I can to learn important skills etc.
Woe to those who add house to house and join field to field, Until there is no more room, So that you have to live alone in the midst of the land!
Isaiah 5:8
29 May 2012, 14:45,
Skean Dhude
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RE: SHTF Predictions
The problem we all have. My parents think they won't be around when it happens. My kids are not really on board but humour me.
I just plod along, started with the real basics and then worked my way up pretty much as I'm describing on the main site now.
I say pretty much because I did have a lot of stuff left over from when I wanted to be an assassin. Which meant little food, dark clothes and a lot of sharp pointy things.
Don't worry about it. Put aside what you can and you will be in a much better position than Joe Public no matter when it happens.
Skean Dhude
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. - Charles Darwin
29 May 2012, 14:55,
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RE: SHTF Predictions
who knows when it will all kick off?? certainly not me! it could be next month, next year, in 5 years, nobody can tell, we just keep watching world and national events trying to hedge our bets and keeping our stocks up to date. i think the first thing to watch is if and when Greece leaves the Eurozone and see what the repercussions are, the next thing is the Olympics and see if Al-Queda decide to set up an attack..either in London or one of the smaller events outside the capital, apart from that..dont know...various strikes coming off, maybe a repeat of last years riots could happen...just keep watching and listening....to the older hands on this site who have far,far more experience than i will ever hope to have!
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
29 May 2012, 15:48,
prepper operator
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RE: SHTF Predictions
(29 May 2012, 14:29)Tibbs735 Wrote: I was wondering if anyone had any predictions on how much time we have left? I am worried that by the time I am economically independent and squared away it will be too late.
NONE, its started, i think its wrong to expect a big spectacular event to herald the collapse, I think its happening now as everything from Islam to the EU unravels and the governments are clearly incapable of dealing with the economic collapse of the islamic invasion.
Just look how unsafe it is to travel, how expensive everything is becoming, how supposed modern states like Greece cannot now afford medicines for its people. Its just history repeating itself.
29 May 2012, 17:40,
Ante Bellum
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RE: SHTF Predictions
I agree with NR we have been living shtf for quite some time now the decline in standards both moral and economic and the destruction of a nation’s identity from within is about as bad as it gets in peace time.
Now war or natural disaster that’s another story.
Do not look for a sanctuary in anyone except your self ཨོཾ་མ་ཎི་པདྨེ་ཧཱུྃ
29 May 2012, 21:34,
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RE: SHTF Predictions
I heard that Greece has until 18th June to make a decision regarding the Euro.
Also Greece AND Spain have had runs on their banks today so money might not be worth much soon.
Also German tourist have been told by their Government to carry wads of Euros when they go to Greece on holiday because the situation is so bad there.
And as for Syria, there is a civil war there with Damascus about to be no more and Euro politicians sitting chatting unable and/or unwilling to do anything. And Russia with a Security veto turning their heads away from the carnage and maassacre of babies, babies!, just so they can side with Syria and steal Israel's motherlode when the time suits them.
My guess is not long now. August perhaps?
29 May 2012, 21:56,
Skean Dhude
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RE: SHTF Predictions
I love the way they demonise a country by talking about them killing babies. The PR start in the worst and our media go along with it. They really are useless.
Skean Dhude
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. - Charles Darwin
29 May 2012, 22:36,
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RE: SHTF Predictions
My projection:
The economic malaise will deteriorate until the USD loses its status as the world's reserve currency and infrastructure failures start occurring in the west. Then there will be a crime explosion and civil unrest on a scale unimaginable.
In the midst of this, a major "deep event" will occur of the mushroom variety, probably in an "expendable" part of the USA, e.g. New Orleans.
The outrage will be milked to the hilt and this event will serve as a sobering tonic for the angry masses on the one hand (making a total lockdown and roundup of dissidents more tolerable), and on the other hand an emotive rallying point to gain carte blanche for waging unfettered preemptive warfare against the alleged perpetrators who "struck us when we were on our knees". This will entail Iran, Syria or NK (depending on who the patsy is) being bombarded then overrun for their alleged role in the greatest act of state sponsored terror the world has ever seen.
As this new war rages, Russia and China will launch a massive preemptive decapitating attack on the western military infrastructure (facilitated by the USA's policy of absorbing a first strike), aiming to simultaneously take down all land-based ICBMs and B-2 bases, leaving the west with only whatever Ohios and Tridents are still at sea at the time.
Russia will then overrun Europe while China attacks Japan, Australia, NZ amongst others, leaving the USA to spiral into incomprehensible domestic turmoil.
RATIONALE (not exhaustive):
* Clinton's odd decision, mandated by Dubya Bush, to absorb a first strike.
* The historic western military doctrine of mass casualty events as a means of effecting dramatic change, for example, the willingness to send vast numbers of young men to their certain deaths in WW1 on the presumption that the scale of the loss of life would so horrify the enemy that they would sue for peace. Only this time, they may be willing to sacrifice millions - or billions - of their own citizens to bring about this goal while they themselves lurk in hardened shelters "with the fat wheezy boys with a note from matron", waiting for the results of their nuclear game of chicken to come in.
* Russia's desire to exert hegemonic influence over, and extract economic benefit from, Europe.
* China's desire to pay Japan back for WW2 and its need / desire for a "Lebensraum" of its own.
30 May 2012, 07:05,
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RE: SHTF Predictions
Bleak but valid.
We're starting to make changes, a bit late, but better late than never. Finances are precluding proper stock piling, so we're just building up slowly at the moment, starting with medical supplies and the odd item of food and kit.
The sooner we can get out to the Hebrides the better.
30 May 2012, 08:54,
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RE: SHTF Predictions
I agree with NR and CFM on this, NK are starting to bait the US with talk of their weapons of mass destruction that they say in 1 strike will cripple the US and bring them to their knees, then there's the french who want the UN to consider strikes against Syria and are not ruling this out, and the fact that syrian diplomats have been given their marching orders that's been co-ordinated through out the world, and now there's rumours going out that greece will be leaving the euro on the 18 june, banks in spain merging to try and repay their loans instead of going under. So I say its started in 2009 when the slump first started.
True heroes don't wear football shirts, they wear dog tags.