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25 May 2012, 11:56,
where would you get yeast(for bread making)...naturally, after TSHTF??
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
25 May 2012, 13:12,
RE: Yeast
From the air. Literally.

I'm currently looking at have some put aside but you need to use it regularly as it is living. I found a document that talks about making it from scratch as yeast is in the air but I can't find it now. It certainly is going to be a requirement for all thiose that don't have yeast to hand.
Skean Dhude
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. - Charles Darwin
25 May 2012, 13:16,
RE: Yeast
look under sourdough recipies, OH has just googled it.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
25 May 2012, 14:06,
RE: Yeast
I know its air borne and settle on plants berries and such, thing is I have no idea what to look for and how to harvest, scraping wild plants is not my idea as safe thing for any untrained person to be doing, also how much would we need to gather.
Do not look for a sanctuary in anyone except your self    ཨོཾ་མ་ཎི་པདྨེ་ཧཱུྃ
25 May 2012, 16:50,
RE: Yeast
I have an as yet untried recipe.
almost any dried fruit but raisin yeast is the best
Put a handful of raisins in a jar with more fruit it will be done sooner
Pour water to fill jar to 80% loosely close jar
Leave at room temp for a few days until small bubbles surface and it smells like wine nearly all the raisins should be floating
In summer it should take about 3 days in winter 6-7 days if you don't have enough of one fruit you can use several types
True heroes don't wear football shirts, they wear dog tags.
2 June 2012, 20:19,
RE: Yeast
You can culture yeast in test-tubes with agar. I have the method but am unable to send attachments to Skean at present. My ability on the net is atrocious. Kenneth Eames.
6 June 2012, 09:45,
RE: Yeast

I like this recipe. The vid has loads of useful info too.

Sailing away, not close to the wind.Heart
6 June 2012, 15:03,
RE: Yeast
Go into an orchard and look at the bloom on apples, that is yeast. As Skean says yeast is in the air. Most fruit will ferment and the cause of the firmentation is wild yeast. I remember many years ago seeing pigs drunk after feeding on apples. Lucky buggers! Sourdough is created by wild yeast. What makes sourdough taste different, is different strains of yeast. Kenneth Eames.

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