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Another reason to avoid Londonistan and I phones
19 June 2012, 00:49,
RE: Another reason to avoid Londonistan and I phones
trouble with FB, is that it is not necessarily what you do or don't put on your account, it is what friends & aquaintences write on theirs that relates to your activities that is still out there for all to see.
19 June 2012, 15:12,
RE: Another reason to avoid Londonistan and I phones
Yes that's true - and also any photos you plant there goes on a data base - used for facial recognition.
20 June 2012, 20:16,
RE: Another reason to avoid Londonistan and I phones

Thats reassuring to hear, it started off with a mistake of mine by ordering non food grade salt petre, decided to use it in some old chemistry experiments, next thing you know I'm putting dry ice in paint cans, men! do we ever grow up

20 June 2012, 21:03,
RE: Another reason to avoid Londonistan and I phones
I do have a facebook account no photos on it and keep my info to a basic and I do have a blackberry but I'm thinking about going back to basics although saying that they have new solar phones out.
True heroes don't wear football shirts, they wear dog tags.
20 June 2012, 23:36,
RE: Another reason to avoid Londonistan and I phones
just get a solar charger for the phone it will be cheaper, and you will be able to use it for other stuff. A solar phone will probably be some silly price for what you will get

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