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18 November 2011, 20:02,
© 2011Northern Raider

If you think the greatest risk to your groups continued existence is going to be starvation or violence then you will be very much off the mark, it will more likely be a failure of your hygiene protocols that kill off most of you and the bulk of the country’s population. Sanitation failure, bugs, food poisoning, rodents, disease (common ones more so than exotic ones) will kill more than any other reason.

If you need to be paranoid about anything post collapse then it should be hygiene, hygiene in the home, hygiene in the kitchen, hygiene when coming into contact with strangers or late arriving group members.
In a crisis for example economic collapse you will need to consider the following protocols.

Patrols to fill in and disinfect all pools / ponds/ puddles that are not used by the group over a large around the retreat.
No footwear or clothes that have been used in patrolling/ foraging / agricultural work / cesspit digging to be allowed anywhere near the kitchen or food prep / storage areas.
Anyone on kitchen / food prep duties who leaves the work area must wash again before re-entering the work area, especially if going for personal ablutions.
All toilet habits must finish with a good wash with an anti-bacterial hand cleanser.
No one with so much as a sniffle to be allowed near the kitchen / food prep storage areas during the first 6 months of the crisis.
All visitors / late arrivals to be quarantined for at least 10 days during first 6 months of crisis
All suspicious food sources (old tins etc) to be treated with absolute caution (food taster volunteers!)
Cleaning within the home / retreat is to be of a standard that would satisfy conditions for an operating theatre or strive to be as hygienic as possible.
Washing and cleaning of clothes, crockery etc that ensures sterilisation be adopted every day during the first year of the crisis.
All waste foods that are not being recycled / composted to be buried in a way that rodents and animals cannot dig them up.
All rodents like squirrels, and scavenging types of wildlife to be eradicated within a 500 yard radius of the home / retreat if possible.
All cesspits to be limed and filled in every two weeks
All used bandages, dressings, nappies, sanitary products to be treated as though they are lethal and must be incinerated.
All water for consumption and personal hygiene MUST be boiled or chemically treated; never assume anything about the quality of water.
All fruit and vegetables must be washed with clean water.

The above suggestions are by no means complete and it’s your own responsibility to ensure that high levels of hygiene are maintained.
An outbreak of flu is an inconvenience to you now whilst you are healthy, but post collapse it will kill your young, your weak and old folk, Imagine what an outbreak of dysentery or gastro enteritis will do to your groups integrity, Measles, mumps, TB are going to crucify those who don't maintain their health and hygiene protocols.
Please don't forget that post collapse most forms of wildlife will be a risk to your group especially if rabies travels down the channel tunnel. The hairy tailed tree rat (grey squirrel) is as big a disease carrier as the brown rat, and don't forget feral dogs and cats they will have been feeding of all sorts of unpleasant carrion.
Post collapse most cute furry things are not to be trusted and should be incinerated.


• Bleach
• Laundry Detergent
• Comfort Softener
• Stain Remover

• All Purpose Cleaner
• Fairy liquid
• Disinfectant
• Floor cleaning concentrated liquid
• __ Bleach
• Glass Cleaner
• Nylon Scourers
• General Purpose Cleanser
• ___ Hand sanitizer
• ___ Water Filter Elements
• ___ Paper towels
• ___ Glass Cleaner
• Bath Soap
• Deodorant
• Baby Lotion
• Razors
• Shaving Cream
• Shampoo
• Toothpaste
• Conditioner
• ___ Baby Wipes
• ___ Toilet Paper

18 November 2011, 22:03,
I'm with you on the hygiene but think it'll be the long term killer rather than a short term one. Too many other things will be out to kill us then.
Skean Dhude
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. - Charles Darwin
19 November 2011, 14:26,
with a lot of germs you need to get a small bit of infection first before your immune system kicks in to fight the infection off. obviously you dont want any part of the plague or anything like that. latrines and waste pits should be located downstream of your fresh water supply and away from your retreat. all household waste should be burnt including empty tins.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.

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