theres other more pressing bacterial and viral strains out there

but i dont think this is will be a threat to us, just make sure to stay tuned, any reports of this strain of flu in any other country, or spreading quicker and amongst more people, is a surefire sign it could be very bad....but personally i dont think theres any reason to worry ^^...influenza is a well documented virus and there are plenty of highly effective drugs to combat it, so any new strains could be quickly and efffectively targeted, its the more unknown viral and bacterial diseases that could be a problem, if they have are contagious enough and have a high enough rate of mortality you'd have a serious problem on your hands, especially if its viral as opposed to bacterial as there are many antibiotics that will kill almost any bacteria. but to synthesise a vaccine for a totally new strain would take a long time, sure usual restrictions and testing would be pretty much bypassed if the threat was real enough, it could still possibly take months years or even longer!