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No electric daay
8 September 2012, 20:18,
No electric daay
Today I decided we were not going to use any electric, apart from the lap top...I used some bricks from the garden and built a bar b q. It took me 5 mins to light it as I used my cotton wool balls soaked in vasaline, it usually take hours otherwise.
I then took a metal oven grid and set my large pot of water onto it,
15 mins later, hot water for a brew,
The kids made necklaces from dry pasta which peed me off a little as I don't like wasting food, they then painted the necklaces, I then let them paint the path, they were noisy and messy but enjoyed themselves.
I chopped up some onion and garlic and added mince, cooked it in a frying pan on the barby, added veg and an oxo cube and left it for 20 mins, I then put a separate pan on for the potatoes.
The kids were messy from the paint so filled up a new mop bucket with hot water and added cold and gave them a kinda shower,
Used hot water from a freshly boiled pan and did dishes in the sink indoors.
A good day all round but exhausting trying to entertain the kids and keep them away fro the barby.
No lights on tonight so struggling to see waht I'm typing aarrgghhhh.

8 September 2012, 20:23,
RE: No electric daay
get some candles! then you can see better ^^

i love no power days, they're such fun days, good practise too!

keep doing them, the more you do the easier you'll find all the different things to do Smile

that and it wont seem as weird to your kids to have no power, and if teotwawki happens, then they'll feel a bit more at ease than they would otherwise Smile

good job on the practising though Smile
8 September 2012, 20:26,
RE: No electric daay
The tv usually keeps them entertained, today was bloody hard work lol. Although for the past few days we have only let them watch a few hours as tv is bad, My eyes have been opened to the evils of tv....I am contemplating selling the tv, they turn into zombies watching it all night,
8 September 2012, 21:59,
RE: No electric daay
A bit don't hurt but you talk more with it turned off u better stock uP
On pasta though Smile
8 September 2012, 22:01,
RE: No electric daay
I'd best stock up the 3 p's..pasta, paint and patience.
8 September 2012, 22:11,
RE: No electric daay
Consider some Light sticks?

9 September 2012, 08:38,
RE: No electric daay
Good to have a no electric day every so often.
Tea candles rule for us.
We've got bags and bags of them. 50 candles £3 from Asda (when in stock)
Then down the pound shop to get the little lanterns to fit them in.

I've put 3 in a triangle under an open topped coke can billy in the field before now
and it boiled water a treat.

AS for the telly? Droll box or what!
We haven't owned one for 5 years now and don't miss it one bit.
It's what now, £145 quid a year? So we've saved £500 over 5 years minimum.
Good savings plan I'm thinking.

My nipper used to make pasta jewelery, we got clever though and the paint was food dye.
Sometimes our tongues were an "unusual" tone and I got a lot of ribbing at work, still bit of fun.


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