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Anybody got any fishing recommendations?
6 December 2011, 17:51,
Anybody got any fishing recommendations?
I've a stack of fishing gear but I'm not a fisher. Has anyone got any recommendations for what we should put away for fishing use?
Skean Dhude
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. - Charles Darwin
6 December 2011, 19:02,
RE: Anybody got any fishing recommendations?
I have a small military issue survival fishing kit, it consists of about 25 meters of line, various small lead weights, two packets of assorted smallish hooks, one float and some one added a piece of cork and a few neoprene elastic bands to it. Its in an old baccy tin.

6 December 2011, 20:23,
RE: Anybody got any fishing recommendations?
I have pretty much the same as NR. In a couple of my bags I have a spool of line, various size hooks, some weights and lures....except mine are stored in a chinese takaway tubs Smile
6 December 2011, 20:41,
RE: Anybody got any fishing recommendations?
I have a few more things than that but I want to define a fishing kit for here and I can't do it on my own because it is an area I know nothing about really.
Skean Dhude
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. - Charles Darwin
6 December 2011, 21:45,
RE: Anybody got any fishing recommendations?
A rod and reel is most certainly handy to have but completely unneccessary, At the moment Go- Outdoors is doing fishing kits on offer ( telescopic rod etc I think)

7 December 2011, 00:09,
RE: Anybody got any fishing recommendations?
what are u wanting to know is beach fishing and your kit for that ?? have done some fly fishing but mostly beach fishing including long line and netting

cheers b/d
7 December 2011, 06:36,
RE: Anybody got any fishing recommendations?
Bowdril, I live right by the sea and have never fished from the sea. Could you give me some advice on how to make a start, e.g. what kit will I need to begin and what bait would be needed? Kenneth Eames.
7 December 2011, 07:16,
RE: Anybody got any fishing recommendations?
A Gill Net is on my list of things to get, you can pick them up fairly cheap. Plenty on info on google about how to make and use them but you better check the legalities of using them before nipping down the local river this side of an event else you might get lynched by the local angling society Smile

After an event they would be an excellent tool
7 December 2011, 08:29,
RE: Anybody got any fishing recommendations?
JD1 when you get your "Gill Net" post back and let me know how you get on with it, would like your review on the Gill Net after you have tested because saying and I quote you:

"After an event they would be an excellent tool"

Is something you’re not qualified to say as you have yet to try one.

Go Outdoors do rod reel set for around £10 just remember to keep the line in darkness, I myself would sooner trap then sit fishing with rod and reel, or survival line. I was planning to do test this month.

I made some fish traps the other night from bottles the idea is for small fish and crayfish (quantity equal size) can be placed with group protection and then left to hunt until you retrieve and empty contents then replace, 24 hour hunting round the clock 365 days a year, of course take in to account others finding your traps and looting.

One more thing to make one trap your meant to use two bottles so as to make it easier to empty catch and replace trap, I only had empty square and round bottle to hand so could not join them.

Simple to make, the string was stripped para cord, lots of info on youtube is a common trap.

[Image: ogdh8z.jpg]

[Image: 20qny8g.jpg]

7 December 2011, 12:18,
RE: Anybody got any fishing recommendations?
I've already got a couple of gill nets but I understand they are illegal. So I won't be testing them and posting results on any site for the Stasi to use as evidence.

However, the reason they were banned is that they are so efficient at catching fish they were clearing entire stretches of rivers. So I think they are pretty effective as defined by government. If you live by a river or by the sea it is well worth having some. Ensure that they have floats as well.
Skean Dhude
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. - Charles Darwin

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