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Another prepping poem by NR
18 September 2012, 21:11,
Another prepping poem by NR
What brings the future, what is in time
What catastrophe should we mind.

Famine and conflict, drought and storm
No more energy to keep us warm.

Costly oil and expensive fuel
Civil unrest and repressive rule.

Mass unemployment and no future jobs
Empty streets now ruled by yobs

Cops in vans armed and tooled
Liberty died to protect the fools.

Rights we fought for lost and gone
No more democracy , sold for a song.

Benefits and welfare is the creed
But Liberty and freedom is what we need.

Unelected Europe is at stake
The last of our freedoms it aims to take.

Migrants and chancers beat at our doors
But numbers are limited within our shores.

Freedoms traded for some dole
Gone like the pits , the miners and coal.

Preppings our future, survivalism our creed
Fighting for rights and liberty’s we need.

Self- reliance and independence we need
Throw welfare and dole into the weeds

Planning and prepping our futures we make
Relying on society is not our take.

19 September 2012, 20:49,
RE: Another prepping poem by NR
Inspired by NR Big Grin
I call it... "When..."

When all turns sour and the warshouts cry
And the religious kneel and pray to the sky
When the mobs roam free and show no fear
And the criminals smile from ear to ear
When the sheeple dream of days gone by
When they mocked the signs that read "THE END IS NIGH!"
And the riot squads run and the people cheer
And the government's bunkers are flooded with tears
To all your creature comforts, say goodbye
Because the trucks stop coming when the oil is dry.

When the economy dies and the banks go down
And a fifty pound note is worth less than a crown
When police don't turn up and the gangs own the streets
And the bravest of men are still forced to retreat
When the good men are few and the hungry abound
With the shops long since looted and no wildlife around
What good are the invoices, cheques and receipts
What good is that money you used to mistreat
When the law's no more and the children starve
O wherefore art thou bleeding hearts?
When the West descends into anarchy
Because you taught the West that the World was free.
19 September 2012, 21:30,
RE: Another prepping poem by NR
Oh I do like that, very well thought out and scribed, I salute you Sir.


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