great to have more people on board
well theres a bunch of places in my area that would be great, just random tucked away clearings near rivers waterfalls and such like, all of them are on private land, but no one goes there also trying to talk to some friends who are landowners to see if they mind letting me camp on their land, but i dont think they will mind, just need to get in touch with them
personally i dont think major areas like dartmoor or the new forest or anywhere like that would be good, lots of wandering walkers and as you said rangers walking about, would be better to initially meet up in an enviroment where we wouldnt have to worry about being there, maybe for another meet we could practise our low profile camping, but i think for this one lets just keep it simple, after all its mostly about meeting eachother
and yeah dakota fire pits the one

if memory serves nemesis posted a good thread on them, showing some he built, surprisingly low profile i must admit, despite knowing how they work i expected alot more light than they appeared to give off