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10 December 2011, 22:08,
As for forcing us to take vaccines, I do believe the day is coming, it's on my list of what would make me leave home and run for the hills!
11 December 2011, 13:06,
A lot of people were refusing to take vaccines for the H1N1 version out last year. I told my family to refuse the jabs. The problem is they then go about things a different way and before you know it you will need a card with your vaccinations on to go out in the street, 'Your papers pleeze'
Skean Dhude
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. - Charles Darwin
11 December 2011, 13:24, (This post was last modified: 11 December 2011, 13:29 by NorthernRaider.)
You should have seen the pressure we were put under to have our son innoculated with the MMR jab, We were told (wrongly) he would not be allowed into school, then we were threatened with social workers, then with being thown off our doctors practise list. They tried all sort to pump that dangerous combination into our son.

It fell flat for them when we got him innoculated with single shots over 6 weeks, and later on we found out that very large numbers of my wifes colleagues had got single jabs for their kids, and two of the teachers at our sons school admitted getting the single shots.
My wife by the way is an EN/RGN/RSCN dip Phd hons in childrens medicine, and her colleagues who got their kids done with single shots are childrens nurses, SHOs, Consultants, Midwifes etc.

Turns out GPs got masive financial incentives and bonuses to get over 85% of their lists innoculated with MMR, I still dont trust the state on public health

These EXPERTS are the same ones who said Thalidomide was safe, BSE could not jump species, Salmonella was not in eggs and the F & M outbreak was localised.

A few points to ponder
(A) A childs immune system is not fully developed until around 11 years old (average)
(B) Where in nature can a child pick up 4 or 5 infections in one go ?
© Combine A & B What happens to under developed immune system when someone deliberately innoculates the patient with 4 or 5 infections at the same time, in a liquid preserved with mercury to boot.

Its as stupid as destroying peoples livers and kidneys with flouride just so you can bury em with nice teeth.
Now if you can imagine just how passionate I am about protecting my family from unneccessary risk after TSHTF, ESPECIALLY from infections and disease, perhaps you can now grasp why I am so highly concerned about letting cats and dogs into retreats or secured homes. A mutt or moggy has just got to be bitten once by the wrong flea, eat something it should'nt, walk or step into something bio hazardous, sniff the rear end of something with a disease, then it brings in it or on it that contagion into your home, retreat or bunker!!

11 December 2011, 21:06,
mine got single jabs what a f**k on it was made really hard just to bully you in to it but i'am as stubbon as a mule and don't scare at all
to win the war, you must be willing to die
11 December 2011, 22:02,
Funny, ours got single jabs no problem. Doctor didn't even argue.
Skean Dhude
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. - Charles Darwin
12 December 2011, 06:23,
There are alternatives to vaccines but they are not produced by the Chemical Industry so they are taboo. Even things such as Colloidal Silver are classed as rubbish by the powers that be. Many old treatments were successful but large sums of money cannot be made from them. Natural medicine cannot be patented so the big medical companies cannot make millions from them. It is worth noting that Tamiflu is extracted from a Chinese herb Star Anis. Kenneth Eames.

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