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Home schooling.
9 October 2012, 09:39,
Home schooling.
So...The mucky stuff has hit the fan.....No schools, so you have to home teach the kids. If you were to home teach your kids, do you think you could make a better job than the schools today?
9 October 2012, 09:54,
RE: Home schooling.
Homeschooling is the way to go i.m.o.... these days the kids are being brainwashed into being compliant to the system & are not allowed to think for themselves.
Dodgy If you always have, on your person, at least 2 ways to make fire, you might be a prepper. Tongue
9 October 2012, 09:55,
RE: Home schooling.
YES, I was til recently a school governor and frequently saw first hand the garbage that passes for edukashun in our schools, mind you I also saw first hand the garbage that passes as parenting skills as well. I've spoke with home schooling groups both parents and kids and I feel that they do a better job than schools but it could be improved if during the summer hols the kids went to educational but fun summer camps like my brats do.

9 October 2012, 10:00,
RE: Home schooling.
well, pre TSHTF kids should be taught the important things so they can look after themselves post TSHTF. i mean how many sheeple kids (unless they belong to the scouts or something similar) in this day of central heating know how to prepare and light a fire?? or skin and cook a rabbit??
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
9 October 2012, 10:02,
RE: Home schooling.
Multi coloured hair, tattoos, unironed and unwashed uniforms, trousers unironed,shoes unpolished, sent to school without a proper breakfast, no manners, no discipline, texting during lessons, smoking in school, pregnant at 13, drink problems at 14, thieving, vandalism in a brand new school, absenteism supported by feckless parents, nits, unwashed clothes, lateness, no morals all typify the state system to one degree or another. But what really F**** up the schools is the comprehensive school system because all it does is drag everyone down to the lowest level. Grammar Schools, Technical Schools and Secondary Schools directed children into a school that best suited their needs and encouraged them to excel in their own fields. But Comps just drag the bright, academic and skilled down to the lowest level usually that of a disruptive chave who does not want to be at school.

Plus anything as BP say involving useful practical skills is banned under nurotic HSE rules.

9 October 2012, 10:04,
RE: Home schooling.
We home teach our two teenage daughters and we know we are doing a better job for many reasons.
9 October 2012, 10:10, (This post was last modified: 9 October 2012, 10:12 by NorthernRaider.)
RE: Home schooling.
I never understood how Comps were supposed to work, in theory they were supposed to offer everyone and equal chance to excel at school, but the theory assumed that everyone was acadameically able and that they wanted to learn. So in reality whilst 90% of the kids wanted to study and learn what in fact happened was the ten percent who didnt disrupted the school and dragged everyone down to the lowest level.
If I got my way i would have educational and skill based summer camps for preppers and their families during the summer hols.

9 October 2012, 10:16,
RE: Home schooling.
My daughters are at opposite ends of the accademic spectrum. One is very bright and was being held back by the school as they didn't want her to get too far ahead of the others and cover all of the work too quickly, and the other struggled and needed one to one tuition which the school were unable to provide. There were also other reasons such as bullying and bad teachers. Since we took then out about six years ago they have done much better.
9 October 2012, 10:17,
RE: Home schooling.
I know its a big push for many parents but if you can stretch things out to send your kids here for a camp your kids will love it and thrive, it totally transformed my son and he is now best friends with kids as far as Canada, Spoain, Italy, Japan, France and Poland.

9 October 2012, 10:19,
RE: Home schooling.
11 years at school, 4 at collage, 10 at until they are (probs 80 by then) and for what? spend all your life studying and working and for what?

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