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11 October 2012, 10:35,
Every forum I read that has American on it inevitably end up with article after article about why they must be armed to the teeth to survive going to the garden shed without being butchered by Al Quaeda, Cubans, Chinese, Vietnamese, Venezualan, Iranian, Afghan and French homicidal maniacs.

Na'er a day goes by without some "Expert" with 22 years in the USMC Hiding from Somali warlord teams or retired lawmen from the Elivator Inspection Unit telling anyone and everyone that your neighbour is going to rape you and murder your wife before sexually abusing your pet pittbull, even though the neighbour is being told the same thing about them, and she is a 98 years old wheelchair bound paraplegic.

You just CANNOT survive unless you have a fully customised AR 15 sportster with 39 pounds dead weight of accessories fitted, firing silver tipped exploding ammo incase you come across Zombie Were-Wolves. You have to have a gatling gun mounted in the roof of your Toyota Prius to survive your long 200 foot commute to the convenience store where you work as a salesman ( apparently Al Quaeda have a thing about killing salesmen).

Your 18 month old toddler must not be allowed to attend nursery unless she has her Big Bird or Sessemy Street 357 Dan Wesson in her nappy bag.

Guns, guns, guns guns, guns, guns, mass fear and paranoia dominate many Americans who it appears to simply so afraid of absolutely everything they wont even walk the dog unless armed to the teeth.

" Ah never go to the John without mah Ingram Mac 10 in case Eyeranian Eye-rabs break into to try and assrape me" Says Clint Dwayne Tackledangler 240 LB aerobics instructor.

Y'know what I reckon, I reckon if TSHTF big style in the Americas there is going to be the mother of all blue on blue shootouts as 320 million hysteria driven, terrified Americans open fire with all they have at everyone else around them.

In the end this darwinian action will see millions dead and the quieter less panicy more considered approach, level headed American survivalists who kept their heads down, laid low and though still armed did not attempt to recreate a portion of RAMBO first blood , these folks with inherit the US.

11 October 2012, 10:53,
RE: America
Americans do seem to be fixated on guns and bullets, maybe thats why they seem to have a lot of shooting over there.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
11 October 2012, 11:28,
RE: America
This made me smile:
Dodgy If you always have, on your person, at least 2 ways to make fire, you might be a prepper. Tongue
11 October 2012, 11:31,
RE: America
The americans take paranoia to a whole new level.
11 October 2012, 11:35,
RE: America
Canadians in general are the most laid back, gentle and charming people it has ever been my pleasure to meet, Canada is my favourite place next to my own COUNTY! dont think i would want to be an American in this day and age.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
11 October 2012, 11:36,
RE: America
Aye mate, I must agree with you on that for sure. Wink
Dodgy If you always have, on your person, at least 2 ways to make fire, you might be a prepper. Tongue
11 October 2012, 14:31,
RE: America
I haven't forgotten that there are upward of 2 million registered firearms / shotguns in the UK.

So whilst America might be gun mad, it could get MIGHTY noisy round the UK if everyone loosed of a single round one night at midnight,

That of course doesn't include the illegal firearms although TPTB don't really know (or care to admit) how many there are of them.

Conservative (stupid word that really) guess-ti-mate? 250,000 more.

Nor forgetting the airguns, bows, crossbows, and all other projectile throwing thingies !

Weee! Fun time.

11 October 2012, 15:57,
RE: America
It's really easy to make sweeping generalizations. I wager that a lot of rural Americans are survivalists but don't know it, they practice self sufficient skills, own guns, are liberty minded and want to hold on to independence. I would do anything for American citizenship
A lot of people consider themselves prepared because they went out and bought some MREs and various firearms, with little to no training, experience or serious thought on what using them would imply. America has the danger of the "Brass Horde" as well as the more well known golden horde, i.e. people who focus on the most exciting part of prepping, by buying lots of guns to feed a misinformed mental fantasy, then have the means and desire to take from others when reality sets in.
To quote J.W. Rawles, "Owning a gun doesn't make you a shooter any more than owning a surfboard makes you a surfer."
There are a lot of normal preppers in America, who own AR's and other guns, know how to shoot, but also focus on other skills like homesteading, like this guy
Woe to those who add house to house and join field to field, Until there is no more room, So that you have to live alone in the midst of the land!
Isaiah 5:8
11 October 2012, 16:05,
RE: America
I lived in Kansas for a while, got very close to an American survivalist family, They and their friends were some of the most level headed decent people you could hope to meet, But JL ( now very sadly deceased) and JL Junior and his wife plus Jerry and his family actually agree with me that America is becoming paranoid and hysterical at an alarming rate. The more level headed survivalist I knew all or nearly all moved up the the Pacific north west, Canada and Alaska because they see their own countrymen more and more are seeing boogey men everywhere. Anything not WASP is out to get them.

Blacks, Mexicans, Arabs, Europeans anyone not a WASP is fair game, and its a simple fact immense number of Merkins dare not go past their front door unless armed to the teeth.

And their society is falling apart around them.


11 October 2012, 16:07,
RE: America
Dont think the media helps, you must be armed to the teeth or the local meth heads will get you

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