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If you were Prime Minister...
15 October 2012, 21:45,
RE: If you were Prime Minister...
I don't mind singing the song but I refuse to wear the scarf and the boots.
Respect existence or expect resistance!
15 October 2012, 21:47,
RE: If you were Prime Minister...
Phew at least its not the Glitter band or rubettes we have to dress up as, my lurex pants are to tight and i keep falling off my platform boots.

15 October 2012, 21:49,
RE: If you were Prime Minister...
Now I know how you really keep putting yr back out NR!
Respect existence or expect resistance!
15 October 2012, 21:57,
RE: If you were Prime Minister...
OK, so if were in charge (hopefully one day I will)

1. Sack the cabinet, and any career politicians- sorry if politics is all you know, you can sod off.
2. Get a group of accountants to look over the budget as if it were a business- find out out where the money really goes.
3. While there doing that bring the following people in
a. A group of senior nurses- ask the how they'd run the NHS
b. A few NCOs that are close to their 22 years, ask them about defence.
c. A group of teachers about education
etc- Basically those a ground level that see what's going on day-to day and pick their brains.

Take the advice from 2 and 3 -make the recommendations happen.

if there's anything left, then welfare for those who've put something into the system.

Anyone who hasn't - well tough. Go to a country that gives a stuff.

Stick two fingers up at the EU and tell them to do one. Anyone not happy at that, the borders over there- see ya.

get the roads, railways and infrastructure fixed, with less welfare and EU (and things the accountants say we don't need- foreign aid) should be able to afford that- get the ASBO crowd down in the sewers fixing them , should stop them reoffending.

Anyone who can work but won't, don't care what colour- see ya, borders that way.

Oh, NR -got the slinky joke a job reference once.
Sodomi Non Sapiens.
15 October 2012, 22:46,
RE: If you were Prime Minister...
Here's my list in brief:

Remove the monarchy, Cromwell style.
Outlaw mosques, Switzerland style.
Shut down MI5 and MI6 and replace with new organisations that aren't owned by the establishment.
Withdraw from the EU, naturally enough.
Relax planning laws - if it's meant to be a free country then the "taste police" and vicious neighbours should have no say in what you can or cannot put on your own piece of land.
Reform, landownership laws so that you really do own your own piece of ground, "to the centre of the earth".
Restore the death penalty for murder; but confession alone should NOT be admissible in condemning anyone for any crime ever (this a rule borrowed from the ancient Hebrews).
Castration for sex offenders.
Ban on same sex marriages and the campaign to make us all accept such agendas.
Gold-backed currency and an end to fractional reserve banking.
Isolationism = no more illegal expeditionary wars.
Reform of the benefits system so that the workshy are excluded.
Overhaul of the taxation system to make it simplified and less hostile, whilst acknowledging we need to properly care for the old, sick, disabled.
Reform of speed limits on roads to end absurd traffic fines.
Reform of the police, actually, we'd need to start all over again with that mob.
Full integration of NI into the UK ;-) and an end to this nonsense of appeasing subversive populations.
Legalising of hemp...

That's it for now!
16 October 2012, 12:48,
RE: If you were Prime Minister...
leave the EU as of 12noon tomorrow..if they dont like it they can swivel. remove all immigrants not born in this country back to the country of their birth(not the last country in Europe they passed through), sack all M.P.s who have never had a REAL job. that'll do for a start.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
16 October 2012, 13:24,
RE: If you were Prime Minister...
ok so this is something ive been contemplating for a long time, and who knows i may even do it Smile

basically if i was pm i would;

leave the eu (cause it sucks)

scrap benefits, and instead replace them with a system whereby the government becomes the employer of last resort, this will help to reduce government costs on expensive construction projects and other government funded projects by providing cheap unskilled labour, it would also help get those lazy bastard chavs off their own arses and gain some useful skills, it would be run like a company, you dont pull your weight, sod off, you get 5 chances (cause its an employer of last resort) and then your out on your own, people with genuine disabilities will be given simple jobs for instance if wheelchair bound, you will be given a low spec government laptop and will be doing things like simple data entry, this way you can still pull your weight and feel gratified that you are contributing, other concessions for disabilities will include things like major reductions on tax for your immediate family to help them support you, and if you truly cannot do anything at al, then one of the government vocations will be as a caregiver, although this sector of employment will be heavily regulated as to avoid theft by such caregivers or maltreatment Smile

other things will include a total rethink on education, including adding new compulsory classes such as life skills, things like learning how to do your accounts or how to grow vegetables, simple self reliance skills that everyone should know but doesnt...i would also offer greater incentives to businesses and organisations to help fund schooling by giving minor concessions on tax, but in return you will have to employ a certain amount of people straight out of education, helping to decrease unemployment and offer gainful opportunities to the next generation.

i would also streamline the entire government and restructure public services, essentially i'd turn it into a big business, no more throwing around money like its water in a pool, but actual proper accounting for each and every penny, making sure nothing goes to waste and maximising the good that the government has the potential to do.

i would also outsource prisons to russia or some such, sounds weird but lemme explain, instead of spending thousands on each prisoner and housing them in the uk, major offenders will be sent to a prison complex in siberia, where you would pay a prison company to house and feed them for X amount of time, at a rate of Y per month, you wouldnt need too high security as any prisoner that can walk 3000 miles through subzero temperatures and fight off bears, deserves their own freedom Tongue and almost none of them would be stupid enough to try.

i would also legalize all softer drugs, and regulate them properly, eliminating billions of pounds that are spent on fighting the drug trade, this would also have a positive impact on crime rates, as if you think about it about 90% of crime is drug related, wether it be a mugging to get money, or burglary, or a drug fuelled rape, or just simply getting caught with drugs, so not only would you gain millions, and possibly billions from taxation of cannabis and shrooms, but you would reduce expenditure dramatically...for harder drugs i would have state sponsored institutions run by licensed proffessionals that provide a safe and clean enviroment as well as pure drugs, so if your a heroin addict you can come to this nice place, and take all the heroin you wish, but in a clean enviroment away from the rest of the population, treatment for the addiction (as i view it as more of an illness than a criminal matter) will be provided to those who need and opportunities to become a gainful member society will be given.

top on my list would be scientific funding, we used to be the centre of the world in terms of innnovation and excellence, and we should be again, we should create for ourselves a scientific haven and lead the world once again, this would give us cutting edge technology for our soldiers, the best standard of medical care in the world (where other countries have too strict restrictions on testing experimental drugs and such like, i would make it easier for clinical trials to move onto human testing, but increased funding should increase the rate at which such drugs are developed and tested anyway so this may not be needed) any new drugs would the property of the state and would either be outsourced for production or the government would have their own factories to produce them, essentially giving the government LTD. a new market to expand into.

things like import duties and tax concessions could be used instead of actual payment to companies if it proves viable and cheaper for the government, cutting spending, whilst not impacting projects or services provided.

i'd also try to bring back the sense of englishness again, as i feel most of the country has lost its patriotism and the english identity is somewhat lost, to help with this i'd do things like making it legal to smoke in pubs again, hopefully renewing interest and business for pubs, as the smoking ban was undoubtedly one of the major reasons pub trade is declining.

there are many many other things i'd change and these ideas are by no means a finalised plan, but need to be polished up alot, but it gives you an idea of the way i think the country should be run Tongue

k end of rant Big Grin
16 October 2012, 19:21,
RE: If you were Prime Minister...
1 bring our lads and girls home and not get our country involved in matters that don't involve us
2 slash tax for working class families
3 extra tax relief for all homes eco friendly
4 no tax what so ever for people living off grid
5 kick all asylum seekers out
6 extra benefits for the elderly
7 bring back the death penalty
8 properly educate our children
9 any family not ever worked refuse benefits but give food stamps and pay water and electric etc
10 can't think of anything else at the moment
True heroes don't wear football shirts, they wear dog tags.
16 October 2012, 21:00,
RE: If you were Prime Minister...
Turn criminals into pies and sell them at iceland.
16 October 2012, 21:19,
RE: If you were Prime Minister...
(16 October 2012, 21:00)Metroyeti Wrote: Turn criminals into pies and sell them at iceland.

damnit now im peckish xD

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