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18 December 2011, 21:11,
(Gripe mode enabled) I accept without question the ineptitude of the sheeple to see the common sense benefits of prepping and self reliance, but I do think apathy is also endemic, but among many of those claiming to be serious preppers.

Time after time huge amounts of effort have been commited by people like Skean Dhude, Dark Vengence, Scoobie, Nemesis, Bax, Rourke and even me in encouraging preppers to become more involved and interactive within the prepping community.

I've actually lost track of the amount of requests, suggestions, pleads etc made by ground breakers like those mentioned above for people to attend RZs, visit other preppers, go to prepper gatherings heck even just join in debates. But time after time the efforts of these pioneers are in the main an utter waste of time.

I visited a family of newbie preppers today for the second time near Pately Bridge in North Yorkistan, and what truly suprised me was these people had actually DONE what they said they were going to do after our first meet in May this year.

Golf GTI gone replaced with a Freelander, much of the ornimental garden replaced by veg plots, water butts and a chicken coup. Bug out bags 99% finished for the adults and 70% ready for the 2 kids.
Books on self sufficiency and articles on prepping obtained. He had just done a safe handling of 4x4 course near Leeds, she had spent weeks learning about food preserving, dehydrating, and keeping chooks. Apparently they even managed at short notice to visit the Bushcraft event up Kendal earlier this year and hoped to visit either Findhorn or the CAT center next year.

Yes I was truly delighted by this nice families progress but its tempered very much by the " I cant do XXXX" now because my wifes late aunts gardeners 3rd cousin is having a tooth removed next March" mentality that pervades so much of the British prepper community, and I can assure you that whilst similar apathy also blights the Merkins and Aussies I know that its much much less prelevent than it is here.

It drives me totally mad for example that in recent months Skean Dhude, Wet & Cold, Invisible, Hanfgiest, and about a hard dozen first rate survivalists have spent immense amounts of time drafting articles, arranging events etc, and still time after time its the same tiny majority of contributers who take the time to respond or get involved.

Guys even these iconic characters will get pissed off sooner or later unless we take up some of the slack and put in some effort.
(Gripe mode disabled)

18 December 2011, 21:37,
RE: Motivation

You are to be applauded for your efforts and I appreciate being mentioned with those guys.

I'm with you in principle but I look at it a different way. I'm willing to share what I know and will go out of my way to do so. However I am not concerned that people don't listen. You can only do so much. I look at it as i will do what I can for anyone who is prepared to listen. I also try and simplify it to stop people getting concerned about what needs to be done.

I look at it as if I am a teacher. I'm talking but you can't make sure they learn. So don't get disheartened. Talk to who is willing to learn. If they don't then move on to the next, the more that learn the better and don't waste your time on those that don't. It's a hard world and they could find out the hard way.

You can then feel comfortable that you did what you could. That is how I feel. You can't do any more than you are doing.

I can also understand it from the other side as well. It is an immense task and can be disheartening to them starting now. We need to make it sound easier as even those that only prepare a little though are better prepared than most so even then your efforts are not wasted.

I asked a school teacher a long time ago how he felt about the failures coming out of school. He said he doesn't worry about them. He taught everyone the same, some listened, some didn't. Some even asked for extra help which he did and he was pleased about those that did well and sorry for those that didn't and had worked at it. The others he dismissed. Some people are not interested in learning and he had tried with everyone. That is my view as well.

You have done your bit. You can't be faulted because someone doesn't listen and balances the risks differently. After all they may be right. No one knows yet.
Skean Dhude
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. - Charles Darwin
19 December 2011, 12:47,
RE: Motivation
just in my own small way, last year for months i kept trying to set up a RZ at The Wilderness Gathering, several people (on another site) all said they were up for it, so who turned up on the day?? NR and family & Me and OH thats who!!!
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
19 December 2011, 13:33,
RE: Motivation
Well this one will be better. At the very least you will have me as well and you never know there could be more.

I think I will get badges made.
Skean Dhude
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. - Charles Darwin
19 December 2011, 13:36,
RE: Motivation
(19 December 2011, 13:33)Skean Dhude Wrote: Well this one will be better. At the very least you will have me as well and you never know there could be more.

I think I will get badges made.

what sort of badges??
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
19 December 2011, 13:50,
RE: Motivation
(19 December 2011, 13:33)Skean Dhude Wrote: Well this one will be better. At the very least you will have me as well and you never know there could be more.

I think I will get badges made.

I'm waiting for you to clarify the 5 in a bed position firstBig GrinBig Grin

5 January 2012, 16:39,
RE: Motivation
This post is exactly what I found on another site. Everyone spoke of doing this and that, but nobody actually seemed to encourage taking action. Which I found odd.

I'd be up for meeting up with the team. Everyone on this site is working together on the same basic principles, which makes us a team. Teams should meet up and help one another out.
5 January 2012, 16:51,
RE: Motivation
(5 January 2012, 16:39)Scythe13 Wrote: This post is exactly what I found on another site. Everyone spoke of doing this and that, but nobody actually seemed to encourage taking action. Which I found odd.

They do five in a bed on OTHER sites and you found it odd!!!!! Sheesh you and BP will get on well Smile

5 January 2012, 17:16,
RE: Motivation
I think you have to consider that not everyone who reads and contributes to this and other prepping sites have the flexibility, time and location to do the meeting-up thing although some of the good words spread on these sites will have sunk in.
For me, I treat this forum as a source of information from people who know a great deal more than me about the issues and practical mitigations to counter them. I joined this site last year and have developed my own plan and implemented most of this now (last stage coming-up soon, to relocate out of the smoke) using the information and advice I found here.
I don't think no-shows at the meets you mention are an indication that people are not listening, there may be a host of reasons they didn't turn-up but they may have taken on-board the message and doing their own thing below the horizon.
Personally I thank you and all the other contributors for the info I have found here from which I selected relevant and achievable practical steps which I have carried-out, but I haven't been to one meet yet.
Many thanks from a silent prepper.
Advice is what you seek when you know the answer but wish you didn't
5 January 2012, 17:27,
RE: Motivation
(5 January 2012, 17:16)Brian Wrote: NR
I think you have to consider that not everyone who reads and contributes to this and other prepping sites have the flexibility, time and location to do the meeting-up thing although some of the good words spread on these sites will have sunk in.

Brian I know and understand what you are saying and agree entirely, but what I found out all to often was people would say YES WE WILL COME TO RZ's MEETS etc, and I other others would organise them, book hotels etc up to a YEAR in advance, then as time drew nearer the excuses would start coming out, I used to weep in exasperation when people would say that a years notice was not enough time for them to arrange to come to a meeting. Others promise to come then dont, We had one lady from Wallsall whinging constantly for a meet someplace civilised so we organised one in Birmingham and she did not turn to " to far and not enough notice" 4 months notice she had and only one bus ride.

If people can not organise themselves in 3 6 or 9 months to attend an RZ how the heck do they expect to bug out with only one hours notice?


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