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NRs new favourite birdy.
28 October 2012, 22:18,
NRs new favourite birdy.

29 October 2012, 00:48,
RE: NRs new favourite birdy.
gor blimey :O that cat got told xD
29 October 2012, 08:42,
RE: NRs new favourite birdy.
Used to be an eagle owl in a warehouse along the tyne, recon alot of lost cat posters went up once it had settled in.
29 October 2012, 10:04,
RE: NRs new favourite birdy.
Wonder if the yanks would lend us a few thousand to get our cats under control

29 October 2012, 10:11,
RE: NRs new favourite birdy.
How come you dislike them so much?
29 October 2012, 10:25, (This post was last modified: 29 October 2012, 10:29 by NorthernRaider.)
RE: NRs new favourite birdy.
(29 October 2012, 10:11)Metroyeti Wrote: How come you dislike them so much?

Cos if you take away my grumpy facia I'm a gentle nature loving type chap who loves wild life and gardens. And I'm fucking sick of every house that I've had in the last twenty years as soon as I start feeding and watching beautiful song birds, visiting, feeding, nesting etc I always end up coming out in late spring mornings to find birds ripped to pieces by neighbours verminous filthy cats.

We were amazed when we moved to this village 8 years ago to see birds I have not seen since childhood coming into the garden, Chaffinches, Green Finches, Bull finches, Jays, Speckled thrushes, Wrens, tree sparrows, swifts, swallows etc.. Many nested in the hedges or trees around the garden, most failed miserably cos the wankers who keep cats just let em roam, and they spent every spring slaughtering these beautiful and rare birds.

They also consider my garden as their collective toilet, as soon s I put a sand pit in for the kids the wife spots multiple cats using it as a bog.

The filthy verminous cats people keep as pets are not even native to the UK they arrived with the Romans and our wildlife is being decimated by the growing numbers of domestic cats the idiot cat owners allow to roam free.

Mind you one good thing around here, someone at tother end of the vallage has been poisoning the horrible things ( I dont agree with that itsa cruel) but up here at the top end a local Vixen has taken to eating cats to feed her cubs with. Been at least seven filthy cats killed up this end ( not me I'll only kill em for hygiene reasons AFTER TSHTF)
Cats, Rats, Mice, Grey Squirrels, Magpies, Pigeons are all vermin if let roam, they are only loving tender cherised pets so long as those caring owners keep their pets in their own property.

Care for a cat BBQ ?

29 October 2012, 10:40,
RE: NRs new favourite birdy.
I can completly agree with what you said, hardly see wrens, but have a semi healthy finch population.

As for the poisoning, before anti freeze they used starfish, not that I condone such behaviour. Me mams cat used to bring her rabbits and bats, now hes a house cat, shes prefers it that way, not to keen on his presents. She used to tell the neihbours if you see my cat in your garden hose him.
29 October 2012, 10:49,
RE: NRs new favourite birdy.
my step mum has five of the fuckers she works in a cat home she must save loads of them ,i dont mind cats myself but my dad dont have any birds in his garden anymore ,next door has some cats we get house martins blue tits gold tits no prob just use high power water gun shot them up the ass ,they dont like it up them ,also my dogs wood eat themSmile
just read alas Babylon ,so im going to get more salt!!!!
29 October 2012, 10:57,
RE: NRs new favourite birdy.
we got 9 cats and have lots and lots of birds in our garden, squirrels too and frogs and bats even the odd rabbit (and they're only dead sometimes) so im not sure its cats having such a big impact on your local bird life Tongue
29 October 2012, 11:17, (This post was last modified: 29 October 2012, 11:20 by NorthernRaider.)
RE: NRs new favourite birdy.
I've seen the bastards stalking through my neighbours garden and crawling under the hedge to ambush the birds at the bird bath, There also used to be a hairy grey moggie that used to kill my neighbours goldfish .
The Were-terrier does a good job at dealing with cats now, he hates them more than I do. The dopey cats try and state him out thinking he will stop his charge at em just cos they arch their backs and hiss, that only annoys him more.


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