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"Appalling" NHS care
24 November 2012, 19:31,
RE: "Appalling" NHS care
(24 November 2012, 19:18)NorthernRaider Wrote:
(24 November 2012, 18:07)Barneyboy Wrote: not all have the money to pay for there own care

So? whats that got to do with anything? if someone wants a house or car or holiday etc they pay for it themselves, healthcare should be the same as should education.

Why should say BP pay taxes to fund scooling when he and many millions of others dont have kids, Why should I pay taxes to fund ring and ride for oldies when I have to walk if I cant afford a car, Why should I pay taxes for meals on wheels when I would go hungry if I cant afford food, Why should I pay for sports facilities that I dont use, why should I pay for libraries I never access, Why should my taxes subsidise council house rents when if I cant afford to pay my mortgage I lose my home.

I dont mind the humanitarian approach to having a good first rate trauma service because anyone can become ill or get injured, but no one should be expected to pay for anything after that unless its for themselves. My mate in Kansas has just become a grandad, his son gained a new baby and a bill for $14,000 for the hospital delivery, he doesnt complain because like most Americans he believes in being responsible for your actions and not living as a leach off others, So hen Crystal got prgnant he started saving and working overtime to pay for the babies delivery, That is right and proper. But you belong to the sick sub section that thinks people should never be responsible for themselves.

so wot should we do with the ill NR come on you told me before pal
just read alas Babylon ,so im going to get more salt!!!!
24 November 2012, 19:48,
RE: "Appalling" NHS care
Why should I care what happens to other peoples illnesses, theres millions of people across the world dying from thousands of conditions and NONE of them have anything to do with me or my family or my prepper group, I dont give a flying fuck about the 80% of pathetic scum who infest this island, and even if I did its still got NOTHING to do with me.

Our society is facing collapse, this collapse is caused by two factors, greedy corrupt banks, and socialists / trade unionists, Icant do anything about them, I can only be a responsible parent and adult and do my best to care for my family and group. I could not give a shit if millions of Brits starved to death or died of disease because its nothing to do with me just like the same fuckers in Africa, Asia or South America. You left wingers just make things worse by taking the food from the mouths of the children from families ho have made the effort to be prepared. What did the ill do before 1948? THEY PAID FOR IT THEMSELVES or did without.

24 November 2012, 19:56,
RE: "Appalling" NHS care
(24 November 2012, 19:48)NorthernRaider Wrote: Why should I care what happens to other peoples illnesses, theres millions of people across the world dying from thousands of conditions and NONE of them have anything to do with me or my family or my prepper group, I dont give a flying fuck about the 80% of pathetic scum who infest this island, and even if I did its still got NOTHING to do with me.

Our society is facing collapse, this collapse is caused by two factors, greedy corrupt banks, and socialists / trade unionists, Icant do anything about them, I can only be a responsible parent and adult and do my best to care for my family and group. I could not give a shit if millions of Brits starved to death or died of disease because its nothing to do with me just like the same fuckers in Africa, Asia or South America. You left wingers just make things worse by taking the food from the mouths of the children from families ho have made the effort to be prepared. What did the ill do before 1948? THEY PAID FOR IT THEMSELVES or did without.

ok thanksWink
just read alas Babylon ,so im going to get more salt!!!!
25 November 2012, 09:00,
RE: "Appalling" NHS care
My wife was bullied out of the NHS more than 10 years ago. She only works in the private sector now and is paid well, treated with respect and enjoys giving true patient care, which is why she enrolled. The NHS is an institution of bullying, nastiness and rampant ineptitude. The Matrons are usually "Managers" who were onces Nurses and are now towing the party line like good little quislings. Patients are in the way and to be despised. Nurses used to be respected. Now they are feared and hated.
25 November 2012, 10:35,
RE: "Appalling" NHS care
(25 November 2012, 09:00)Weyoun Wrote: My wife was bullied out of the NHS more than 10 years ago. She only works in the private sector now and is paid well, treated with respect and enjoys giving true patient care, which is why she enrolled. The NHS is an institution of bullying, nastiness and rampant ineptitude. The Matrons are usually "Managers" who were onces Nurses and are now towing the party line like good little quislings. Patients are in the way and to be despised. Nurses used to be respected. Now they are feared and hated.

I wish to fully support those sad comments, my dear wife has been nursing for over 35 years and she reports exactly the same thing. Nurses turned managers, shop stewards almost inbed with the managers , top heavy administration , ie more pen pushers that front line medics, she reckons the NHS has been destroyed by both Labours Agenda for change and the Tory Health reviews.

She is so fed up she is thinking about either retiring early , working for a drug company or tking up a teaching post at he Uni.

25 November 2012, 11:04,
RE: "Appalling" NHS care
(24 November 2012, 19:48)NorthernRaider Wrote: Why should I care what happens to other peoples illnesses, theres millions of people across the world dying from thousands of conditions and NONE of them have anything to do with me or my family or my prepper group.

damn right NR, we cannot be responsible for people we do not know, much less care about. my duty is to my wife, and maybe in an emergency members of her family....i have no living relatives apart from a couple of cousins.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
25 November 2012, 11:08,
RE: "Appalling" NHS care
You play the game of life with the hand of cards fate deals with you, its just wrong to think that because someone else got a better hand they should give their winnings to the losers, life is just not like that.

25 November 2012, 11:43,
RE: "Appalling" NHS care
here we go again, NOW they want to do away with you visiting a doctors surgery(not that GP's do much now) and put you onto skype!:
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
25 November 2012, 12:08,
RE: "Appalling" NHS care
When TSHTF we are not going to have an NHS may as well get used to it now.
True heroes don't wear football shirts, they wear dog tags.
25 November 2012, 12:12, (This post was last modified: 25 November 2012, 12:13 by BDG.)
RE: "Appalling" NHS care
(25 November 2012, 11:43)bigpaul Wrote: here we go again, NOW they want to do away with you visiting a doctors surgery(not that GP's do much now) and put you onto skype!:

Saves time and money. 1/3 of patients do not need to be seen / seen by a Doc - they could be seen by a practice nurse, healthcare assistant or be advised of self care.

By not going down the route of telemedicine, we are quite literally holding on to an idea that is no good whilst through £20 notes on a fire.

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