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24 November 2012, 20:35,
Just thinking aloud folks but have you chaps worked out where the local highground is in your area where you could meet up with your family and shelter if a flood does hit. I've actually noticed to my own immense embarrassment that to reach two of the points I have marked on my maps as safe spots in case of floods, I have to travel through even lower ground than I'm already on before the ground raises up, ergo two of my four B O Routes would already be well underwater long before I realised the floods were heading towards my home.

So I thought I would mention it in passing as so many of this community live in the SW, Wales, Western Scotland and South Yorks that get more than their fair shell of floods of late.

Idiot of the week award goes to NR (again)

24 November 2012, 21:13,
Dispite being the wettest part of the mainland uk,.. we dont often get flooded homes here,...I know of only one suspect area,... I am pleased to say that all the rest of the communities are well up from any `normal` flood water

I have been watching the telly,.. and you would certainly want a waterproofed 4x4 to deal with any emergency travel for sure,... thats if a 4x4 is heavy enough to manage some of the fast flowing currents I have seen
A major part of survival is invisibility.
24 November 2012, 21:51,
I live part way up a side of a valley between 2 west Pennine moors at 680ft

the last flooding we had around here was all further into town at the bottom of the valley and that was due to problems with the drains and the fact that the local river/stream is culverted under a bulk of the town and I think the culvert was partially blocked and the water basically pushed up through the pavement. The Environment agency have spent a few months sorting out that problem.

At my end of the town alot of water came off the moors and through the local park (council havn't cleaned the drains in the Park of years). The water basically rushed down the Park and on to the main road from there it headed down in town and dropped in to the river/stream where it was not culverted.

one at my end of the town had any issues so I'm not to worried but if I ad to leave we'd just head up to the moors round here

24 November 2012, 22:20,
I have already sussed out the highest ground to where i live ....i am 5mins for 900 ft 10 mins from 1372 ft and 25 mins from 1564 ft ...i am 576 ft ... the 900 ft option is last resort ...lots of sheeple will head for it , its easy...option 1372 ft would be where i plan to BO no people ...on 5 recons.... option 1564 ft prob would not make it, to many built up areas to drive through. My BOV 4x4 bitchy will get me there..even across the fields... tried it low and diff lock, i think the trailer will make it , but not tested that yet.
25 November 2012, 09:03,
Although flooding can be an issue around here (as it currently is). The area where we live, and most the routes over here, will clear in a few hours.

In 40 years (as long as our neighbour has lived here) the water has not lifted up to where we live.

As for other flooding, there's a great pub called The World's End (how ironic) that is really high and nearby. However, if we're flooded in, then nobody will be coming this way to loot our place, so we wouldn't need to bug out.
Dissent is the highest form of Patriotism - Thomas Jefferson
Those who sacrifice freedom for security deserve neither - Benjamin Franklin
25 November 2012, 11:10,
we live on the highest ground already, all the roads drop away down from our front door so all flood water would flow AWAY from us, down towards the river.if the river flooded it would take out all the starter homes on the flood plain.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.

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